TRUCKEE, Calif. September 13, 2019 – Election season is upon us, so now’s the time to confirm what has been an open secret in the Truckee community: I will not be seeking a third term as a Nevada County supervisor. That said, I will of course continue to advocate for Di...
Home Glossary Release Information
Per early returns: Ex-Speaker Kevin McCarthy's chosen successor, Vince Fong, has pulled ahead in CA-20, one of California's rare red districts. But the race is still on for second. Fong would face a much tougher path going up against fellow Republican and Tulare County S...
Students that were IEP, EL, or FRL at any time during the reporting period report as IEP, EL, or FRL. If a school is marked as CEP, all students are considered as FRL = Y even if the student does not have an active FRAM record. ...
Clark County, Nevada, alone faced a shortfall of 750 teachers in 2019—in fact, teachers were in short supply throughout the entire state. As a result, school districts are increasing their recruiting efforts and developing mentorship networks, with legislature working to improve pay. Projected job...
Students report when they are on the roster of a course flagged for attendance. When the student’s section is marked as cross-site and the Exclude Cross-Site Data checkbox is marked on the extract editor, the cross-site section enrollment does NOT generate a record. ...
N= Special Education If there are multiple calendars in the same school, only Primary enrollments report. If a student has multiple enrollments in the same school with different schedules, the Gain and Loss are reported ONCE EACH because both schedules are part of the same calendar. ...