Access the most recent census population information for Reno, Nevada, including a population profile and history.
GDP:170 billion dollars (32nd in U.S., 2023) Unemployment:5.4% (2023) Geography Land area:110,577 sq mi. (286,382 sq km) Geographic center:In Lander Co., 26 mi SE of Austin Number of counties:16 Largest county by population and area:Clark County, 2,266,715 (2020); Nye County,...
Largest county by population and area: Clark, 1,951,269 (2010); Nye, 18,147 sq mi. State parks: 24 Residents: Nevadan, Nevadian 2016 resident population est.: 2,940,058 2010 resident census population (rank): 2,700,551 (35). Male: 1,363,616 (50.5%); Female: 1,336,935 (49.5...
Trendmaster vbOnline Pro Plantwide Condition Monitoring Machinery Protection Machinery Protection EXPLORE Protection and Sensing 3500 Machinery Protection Systems ADAPT Overspeed / ESD Orbit 60 Series Distributed Protection Systems Portable Vibration Analyzers & Diagnostic Systems ...
Two other bills that are moving through the legislative process are SB20, which would update the population thresholds for counties to either combine or disburse county department responsibilities, and AB47, which would allow counties to establish Off Highway Vehicles trail n...
The largest population centers in Nevada County are in the incorporated cities and towns of Nevada City, Grass Valley, and Truckee. The people of Nevada County are one of its greatest resources. Volunteerism is the backbone of the recreation system and residents exhibit a strong appreciation for ...
After more than two decades of violating state law, the Nevada Board of Pharmacy must remove cannabis from a list of controlled substances deemed to be highly abused, a Clark County District Court judge ruled...The order followed a lawsuit brought forward in April by the Cannabis, Equity and...
- Brian Bonnenfant, Project Manager, Center for Regional Studies, UNR says population growth for Washoe County wasn’t as much as people might have expected and the housing growth was in infill apartments within the McCarran ring versus single family homes, which most planners would say is a ...
Geico COUNTY MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY STATE FARM MUTUAL AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE COMPANY 01-29-2018 03-20-2018 Private Passenger Liability Claim Handling Delay No Further Action Req/Rqd No Jurisdiction ALLSTATE INDEMNITY COMPANY KWAN, YUKIN 01-29-2018 03-14-2018 Private Passenger Liability Marketing & Sa...
In 1977, gaming revenues in Clark County alone surpassed $1 billion, just two years after the state reached the $1 billion plateau. 1980s: The "Mega-Resort" Arrives in Vegas The 1980s brought more good news for Nevada, as Congress further lowered the tax rate on licensed sportsbooks to ...