It is most likely that it occurs in both supernovae and neutron star mergers—the question is which contributes more. Figuring this out would be helpful in our quest to understand how stars live and die. Hubble Space Telescope image of the stars of NGC 1898, a globular cluster in the ...
The gravitational-wave GW170817 is compatible with a binary neutron star (BNS) inspiral of chirp mass1.186(1)M_{\odot }[1,2,3]. Significant signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) is found in the frequency range 30–600 Hz, roughly corresponding to the last thousand orbits to merger for an equal-...
Passamonti A and Andersson N 2012 Towards real neutron star seismology: accounting for elasticity and superfluidity Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 419 638A. Passamonti and N. Andersson, Towards real neutron star seismology: accounting for elasticity and superfluidity, MNRAS 419 (2012) 638-655, [...
In a famous sequence in the original Star Wars movie, Obe Wan Kenobie, using a Jedi mind trick, fools imperial foot soldiers searching the city into believing that “these are not the droids we are looking for.” China’s release of Deep Seek has executed the equivalent of a Jedi mind ...
“This image is the first time we have seen strong evidence for a precessing jet from a confirmed neutron star,” he said. “This evidence comes from both the symmetric S shape of the radio-emittingplasmain the jets and from the fast, wide shockwave, which can only be produced by a jet...
In comparison with these meagre orbital data, there is a real dearth of data on the lunar surface. The current knowledge about the radiation environment on the surface of the Moon is based exclusively on calculations using radiation transport models (e.g. Reitz et al. 2012) with input paramet...
Full size image We consider it unlikely that the gamma-ray eclipses are caused by the same mechanism as radio eclipses—that is, absorption by diffuse material evaporated from the companion star. At LAT photon energies, the primary interaction between gamma rays and matter is through pair produc...
mergers. In Evacuate Earth, a neutron star tiny and incredibly dense- is flying straight toward our solar system. Possible massive 'kilonova' explosion creates an epic afterglow. A Neutron star has very, very large feet. The biggest difference in brightness was in infrared light, measured by ...
has found signatures of strontium formed in a neutron-star merger. This artist’s impression shows two tiny but very dense neutron stars at the point at which they merge and explode as a kilonova. In the foreground, we see a representation of freshly created strontium. Image Credit:...
10 9 k. the real composition of neutron star crusts can also differ from the ground state due to the fallback of material from the envelope ejected during the supernova explosion and due to the accretion of matter. in particular, an accreted crust is a site of x-ray bursts. the ashes ...