neutron-nucleus scatteringnuclei with mass number 220 or higher/ cross sectionsangular distributionsexcitation functions0.9 to 3.1 MeV238U (n,n) / A2540D Elastic neutron scattering A2540F Inelastic neutron scattering and (n, p) reactions A2790 Properties of nuclei with 220 les A...
inelastic scattering2+ state3−stateexcitation statesThe neutron scattering cross sections of 118Sn have been measured at incident neutron energies of 14.9 and 18.0 MeV using the JAERI tandem fast neutron time-of-flight spectrometer. Measured are the angular distributions of the elastically scattered...
For rings from type-II superconductors with a thickness smaller than the field penetration depth but larger than the electron mean free path, the cross sections of inelastic scattering with neutron spin flip have been obtained for the first time. The possibility of increasing the cross section of...
Differential Neutron Scattering Cross Sections and Average Neutron Parameters of Tin IsotopesThe differential cross sections of elastically scattered neutrons were measured for tin isotopes at the pulsed reactor IBR-30 within the 1–200 keV energy region. The s- and p- strength functions S o , s...
The application of thermal neutron scattering to the study of the structure and dynamics of condensed matter requires a knowledge of the scattering lengths and the corresponding scattering and absorption cross sections of the elements. Ln some cases, values for the individual isotopes are needed as ...
Differential cross sections for neutron elastic and inelastic scattering from the actinide nuclei /sup 232/Th, /sup 233/U, /sup 235/U, /sup 238/U, /sup 239/Pu, and /sup 242/Pu have been measured at incident energies ranging from 0.6 to 3.4 MeV using a multiangle time-of-flight spect...
The total neutron scattering cross section σtot of a tetrahedral molecule in its torsional ground state is calculated from the double differential cross-sections of the individual tunneling states. Detailed predictions are made concerning the dependence of σtot on the wavelength of the incoming neutr...
cross-sectionsbytheDeepInelasticNeutron Scatteringtechnique J.J.Blostein,J.Dawidowski†,J.R.Granada ConsejoNacionaldeInvestigacionesCient´ıficasyT´ecnicas,CentroAt´omicoBariloche andInstitutoBalseiro,Comisi´onNacionaldeEnerg´ıaAt´omica,UniversidadNacional ...
Neutron scattering lengths and cross sections. Neutron. N. 3, 26–37 (1992). Google Scholar Squires, G. L. Introduction to the Theory of Thermal Neutron Scattering 3rd edn (Cambridge Univ. Press, 2012). Zaccai, G. & Jacrot, B. Small angle neutron scattering. Annu. Rev. Biophys. Bio...
measurement of a variety of neutron-induced cross sections such as total, inelastic scattering, (n,γ), (n,p), (n,α), and fission. For example, new designs for ionization chambers or particle detectors are required in order to use very small ...