Limits on the Majorana neutrino mass in the 0.1 eV range The Heidelberg-Moscow experiment gives the most stringent limit on the Majorana neutrino mass. After 24 kg yr of data with pulse shape measurements, we set... L Baudis,A Dietz,G Heusser,... - 《Physical Review Letters》 被引量: ...
Steven N.Shore,VirginiaTrimble, inEncyclopedia of Physical Science and Technology (Third Edition), 2003 VIII.D.2.bNeutrinos Theelectron neutrino(νe) is the lightestlepton, and in fact the lightest fermion, making it an interesting particle for explaining DM. It cannot decay into lower mass spe...
These are from 2924 kg d of data taking with 6 kg of enriched (86%) 76Ge detectors: and with 90% c.l. They correspond to an effective neutrino mass limit of 〈mν〉<1.1 eV. For the neutrinoless decay with majoron emission a half life of 1.7 × 1022y can be excluded leading to...
{document}K decays and the presence of an excess of positive electric charge in the Earth's crust are predicted by the Hydridic Earth model. The data of the Borexino experiment do not contradict the proportion of potassium equal to several percent of the Earth's mass and predicted by this ...
This would allow for rather compact detectors, of mass of about a kg, or so, instead of a ton or larger. It was demonstrated in [14] that a M¨ossbauer neutrino experiment based on the 3H-3He system, due to the very low energy of ν¯e emitted (18.6 keV), can be used to ...
the three neutrino mass values the degree of CP violation in the leptonic sector (which may lead to leptogenesis) evidence of physics which might break the Standard Model of particle physics, such as neutrinoless double beta decay, which would be evidence for violation of lepton number conservatio...
is derived from the measurements with D 2O target (mass 267 kg) installed near the Bugey reactor. This value can be improved by six orders of magnitude with future data accumulated with the SNO detector containing 1000 t of D 2O.关键词: Proton life-time Neutrino detectors Deuteron ...
Mass corrections to the tau decay rate In this note radiative corrections to the total hadronic decay rate of the τ-lepton are studied employing perturbative QCD and the operator product expans... KG Chetyrkin,A Kwiatkowski - 《Zeitschrift Für Physik C Particles & Fields》 被引量: 84发表:...
Given the present experimental results on the parameters governing neutrino oscillations and in the framework of three-neutrino oscillations, the expected allowed ranges for |mee| as a function of the lightest neutrino mass are depicted in Fig. 1. For the inverted hierarchy scenario, the range of...
In this prescription, we include two scalar fields φ1 and φ2 transforming as 1 and 2 under U(1) , respectively. It is worth to mention that this U(1) interaction is not flavor violating. These scalar fields are responsible for the U(1) breaking and therefore to give mass to the Z...