- 暗淡的,例如:The room was decorated in neutrals. 房间装饰得素素净净。 - 不带电的,例如:a neutral wire in a plug 插头上的不带电的电线 2. 名词: - (汽车或其他机器的)空挡位置,例如:Graham put the van in neutral and jumped out into the road. 格雷厄姆把货车挂到空挡,自己跳到马路上。 -...
发电机要它干哈? 如果您在野外要用发电机给电车充电,有可能会发现充电线显示 接地错误Grounding Fault。这时候不要惊慌,只要在发电机的空余插座插上这个 Binding plug 就能骗过充电线。但是,您要确保是发电机的零线和地线相连,而不是火线与地线相连。虽然十分简单,但是很多人宁愿在亚马逊花20刀买一个binding plug ...
WIRE 电线, a neutral wire, for example in a PLUG , has no electrical CHARGE¹ (7) 不带电的 8. 【释义】 CHEMICAL 化学品, a neutral substance is neither acid nor ALKALINE 中性的: 【例句】 The plant prefers a neutral or slightly acidic soil. 这种植物更喜欢中性或略带酸性的土壤。 【例...
A neutral line regulator is designed as a plug-in module or new integrated inverter with a lower rating 4th-leg, instead of using a conventional four-leg inverter to supply power to three-phase four-wire unbalanced AC loads or three-phase nonlinear loads without a neutral connection. The ...
a neutral colour scheme中性色的色彩搭配 neutral tones中性色调 the neutral wire in a plug插头里的零线 We decided to meet on neutral ground. 我们决定在第三方领土上会晤。 Dolly kept her voice carefully neutral. Her expression seemed neutral. Our actions are never culturally neutral. She argued that...
Ensure safe and efficient electrical grounding for your generator with Southwire's 44400 neutral ground bonding plug. Order yours now!
To sum up, a live wire carries the full load current, while a neutral wirecarries some current, only when the loads are not balanced. Will an outlet work without a neutral? Ifthere's an open neutral, the outlets won't work, but they will still be energized. Use a plug-in circuit ...
中性的;不带电的having neither a positive nor a negative electrical chargethe neutral wire in a plug插头上的不带电的电线noun 车辆 in vehicle (汽车排挡)空挡的the position of the gears of a vehicle in which no power is carried from the engine to the wheelsto leave the car in...
Smart Plug & socket Smart Sensor Smart Lighting Other Smart Home ATS MCCB Find Similar Products By Category Supplier Homepage Products Smart Switch 118 Size US Standard SLS 3 Gang Zigbee Us Smart Light Switch No Need Neutral/Neutral Wire Related Categories ...
theneutralwire in a plug 插头上的不带电的电线 牛津词典 We decided to meet onneutralground. 我们决定在第三方领土上会晤。 牛津词典 to leave the car inneutral 将车的排挡置于空挡位 牛津词典 The room was decorated inneutrals. 房间装饰得素素净净。