as a Neutral run is pretty straight-forward. Pacifist runs revolve around ACT commands, and since FIGHTing is pretty obvious, there will be a fair length of information around ACTing. Ignore these if you just don't feel like doing a Pacifist run, of course. ...
德国队... 分享12 undertale同人收集吧 hyhhgfh UT:CNR(雨中泪)设定琐事收集Undertale:Conceptualized Neutral Run*民间叫法雨中泪(TITR)其创造者是DropOff最开始只是一首曲子,后来在圈的影响下(似乎圈内自主),逐渐转成了一个au undertale同人收集 分享3赞 英语吧 good_luck118 【英语】“as to”是什么意思?