By doing so, we have essentially incorporated all the two-pion decays N →π+π0 − for MN > mρ. Indeed, we have verified by direct computation of N →π+π0 − that they coincide with N →ρ+ − for all relevant masses (figure 15). Of course the decay channel to two ...
R~m~,~from E616(used onlyin 2-parameterfit) particle Ebo~m no Ehad(r ) cut with Ehad(r ) cut pion 250 0.480_+0.050 0.466+ 0.047 200 0.443_+0.035 0.396+ 0.034 165 0.3924-0.035 0.388_+0.040 140 0.4094-0.039 0.374_4-0.046 120 0.343+0.046 0.299+0.061 kaon 250 0.331+ 0 . 1 3 ...