通常要求在到达相机之前降低激光功率,以获得不会导致相机光饱和或损坏的有效信号。这些滤光片的工作原理很像太阳镜,它们一起使用时通常会以多个数量级吸收激光、降低激光功率。 Laser Beam Profiler Finder 显示中6 产品4 系列 查看: C型接口中性密度滤光片 通过可迭加体吸收过滤实现激光光束衰减 3 产品 ATP-K...
Pick a graduated ND filter that brings the sky and foreground within a stop of one another. If the difference between the sky and the foreground is 3 stops, you can use a filter that blocks two stops of light (that is, a 2-stop or 0.6 GND filter). And make sure that you choose t...
The neutral-density filter, or ND filter, is a powerfullens filterphotographers use to reduce the amount of light entering a camera lens in order to select exposure combinations that would otherwise result in overexposed images. This article is a basic guide to ND filters and how they are used...
What is a Neutral Density Filter? The ND filter is basically a filter that, placed before the lens (or dropped into a filter slot) reduces the amount of light making its way into the camera. Think of the ND filter as sunglasses for your camera—albeit sunglasses that do not change the ...
neutral density filter 英[ˈnju:trəl ˈdensiti ˈfiltə] 美[ˈnutrəl ˈdɛnsɪti ˈfɪltɚ] 释义 中性[中灰]滤光片 实用场景例句 全部 ECP ash from a series neutral density filter blocks. ECP由一系列洋性灰密度过滤块构成. 互联网 Use a neutral - density filter or...
neutral-density filter 英 [ˈnjuːtrəl ˈdensəti ˈfɪltə(r)] 美 [ˈnuːtrəl ˈdensəti ˈfɪltər]中性(密度)滤光片;中性滤光器,中性滤色镜 ...
density n. 1.[U]密集,稠密,密度,浓度 2.[C,U](物)密度 3.[U](计)密度(磁盘存储数据可用空间) filter v. 1.[I] 过滤,渗透,走漏 2.[T] 滤过,渗入 n.[C] 1. 过滤器,筛选 2. 滤波器,过滤器,滤光器 neutral tone 中和色调 neutral colored adj. 素色的 line to neutral 从导线到中性...
中文:中性密度滤光片;英文:neutral-density filter的原理;中文:中性密度滤光片;英文:neutral-density filter的定义;中文:中性密度滤光片;英文:neutral-density filter是什么。又称“灰色滤光片(gray level filter) ”。用来减弱所有可见波段光的透过率而不发生
Absorbance is dependent on the wavelength (a filter designed to absorb lights of all visible wavelengths equally is specifically called a neutral density filter or ND filter), and is often measured as a function of the radiation wavelength, which is called the absorption spectrum. ...
Neutral Density Filter UPT can offer neutral density filters, Neutral density filters attenuate, split or combine beams in a range of irradiance ratios with little dependence on wavelength. Applications: Imaging Systems, P.. 产品展示 光学元件 ...