Problem.,Find the position of the neutral axis of a beam, having an effective depth of 270 mm. The stresses in concrete and steel may be taken as 5 MPa and 140 MPa respectively. Take m = 18.. Find the position of t...
neutral axis n (General Engineering) engineering the line or plane through the section of a beam or plate which does not suffer extension or compression when the beam or plate bends Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994,...
The meaning of NEUTRAL AXIS is the line in a beam or other member subjected to a bending action in which the fibers are neither stretched nor compressed or where the longitudinal stress is zero.
Neutral axis, Neutral surface (Mech.), that line or plane, in a beam under transverse pressure, at which the fibers are neither stretched nor compressed, or where the longitudinal stress is zero. See Axis. Neutral equilibrium (Mech.), the kind of equilibrium of a body so placed that when...
3.When a curved beam is bending in the plane of the curvature, theneutral axisof cross section is not identical with the axis of gravity due to the influence of the initial curvature. 由于曲率的影响,曲线梁在其曲率平面内弯曲时的中性轴不通过横截面的形心。
In this paper we have discussed an intresting problem on the effect of stress distribution in a deep beam under constant bending moment with a small overlapped circular hole on the neutral axis of the beam. The solution has been obtained in the integral form with the use of bipolar ...
作者: SB Dutt 摘要: In this paper we have discussed an intresting problem on the effect of stress distribution in a deep beam under constant bending moment with a small overlapped circular hole on the neutral axis of... DOI: 10.1007/BF00382223 被引量: 2 年份: 1960 收藏...
Department of Mathematics, Chandernagore College, Chandernagore, India Sisir Chandra Das Rights and permissions Reprints and permissions About this article Cite this article Das, S.C. On the concentration of stresses due to a small elliptic inclusion on the neutral axis of a deep beam under con...