This page contains everything you, the pet owner, need to know about feline neutering (male cat desexing). Neutering topics are covered in the following order: 1. What is neutering? 2. Neutering pros and cons - the reasons for and against neutering cats. 2a. The benefits of neuter...
The recovery setup must be prepared prior to the neutering so that the chin only needs to be placed thereupon returning home. He needs a single level cage with no shelves, perches, or exercises wheel and the cage can be wide, in fact, the wider the better. This setup will help prevent...
Therefore, when people take the time to train and regulate their dog’s activities, I don’t consider neutering as being in their dog’s best interests. But then maybe for some, neutering their dog is a way they can say to themselves they’re being responsible, and then they don’t a...