In California, the average yearly salary for a Neurosurgeon is $760,301. In Massachusetts, the average annual salary is $750,001. In New Jersey, a Neurosurgeon earns $755,501 per year. Change City Alaska $750,601 Alabama $633,501
Neurosurgeon salary by state Graphics is not supported× State NameAverage Salary Nebraska $287,890 Maine $286,810 New Jersey $285,850 Minnesota $285,060 Maryland $284,120 Kansas $282,940 Arizona $282,080 New Mexico $280,430 Mississippi $280,350 Oklahoma $279,020 Alabama $278,810 North ...
Warren Senior didn’t have any salary. Saint Francis Hospital during that era was well run with Mr. Verret and Sister Blandine and Mr. Warren Senior. They could run the whole thing well and without many problems, but things have become much more complicated since those days. But we’ve ...