Jobs Save jobClick to add the job to your shortlist Send job About us This post is based within the UK Dementia Research Institute (DRI) centre that is embedded within the Department of Basic and Clinical Neuroscience at King's College London
Similar jobs selected for you Top Job Associate Professor in Integrative Molecular Biophysics University of Cambridge - Department of Biochemistry Cambridge, United Kingdom Key responsibilities are to sustain, develop and direct our biophysics instrument pl...
Browse Neuroscience jobs from 1,000s of job boards and employer web sites in one place. Juju makes your Neuroscience job search faster and more comprehensive.
Associate’s degree BA/BS e.g., Scientific degree: Medical Doctor, MA/MS/MBA Major in clinical medicine or pharmacy Doctorate Other: RELATED EXPERIENCE: Describe the types of experience and typical number of years required for this role. Medical science, pharmacology with Master degree or...
Researchers gain funding, jobs and even fame, while pressure to commercialize their work or obtain addiction grant funding fuels the tendency to oversell their findings or the size of certain problems (Evans et al., 2011). Researchers are also unlikely to publicly challenge this view. Many alcoh...
For employees of the University or contingent workers, please login into yourWorkdayaccount and navigate to the Career icon on your Dashboard. Click on USYD Find Jobs and apply. CopyrightThe University of Sydney The University reserves the right not to proceed with any appointment. ...
You'll need to continue past the master's to a doctoral program, which takes several more years. To earn that degree, you'll have to conduct original research and publish the results. Your research will have to make a contribution to the field. Then, you can apply for jobs as an assis...
Most systems and organs of the body control only one function, but the central nervous system does many jobs at the same time. It controls all voluntary movement, like speech and walking, and involuntary movements, like blinking and breathing. It’s also the core of our thoughts, perceptions...
InHow To Become A CentaurCase gives blitz history of AI, and of its lesser known cousin IA – Intelligence Augmentation. The insight that digital technology could be a a ‘bicycle for the mind’ (Steve Jobs’ quote) gave us the modern computer, as shown in the 1968Mother of All Demoswhi...
InHow To Become A CentaurCase gives blitz history of AI, and of its lesser known cousin IA – Intelligence Augmentation. The insight that digital technology could be a a ‘bicycle for the mind’ (Steve Jobs’ quote) gave us the modern computer, as shown in the 1968Mother of All Demoswhi...