This course is for advanced graduate students and postdoctoral fellows in neurobiology, physics, electrical engineering, computer science and psychology with an interest in 'Computational Neuroscience'. A background in programming (preferably in C or PASCAL) is highly desirable. Limited to 20 students....
We are particularly interested in characterizing flexibility and variability in neural circuits—e.g., how do the dynamics of large neural ensembles change over the course of learning a new skill, during periods of high attention or task engagement, or during development and aging. Summarizing these...
Google Scholar Wilson, M. and Bower, J. M. (1992). Cortical oscillations and temporal in teractions in a computer simulation of piriform cortex,J. Neurophysiol. 67: 981–995. Google Scholar Download references Author information Authors and Affiliations Department of Electrical and Computer Enginee...
INSTITUTE OF NEUROSCIENCE Oxana Eschenko, Ph.D. Noradrenergic modulation of forebrain: from sensory processing to memory consolidation. ';more.href='colloquia/colloquia.asp';" Colloquia. Oxana Eschenko, Ph.D. Noradrenergic modulation of forebrain: from sensory processing to memory consolidation. As...
Time course of brain network reconfiguration supporting inhibitory control. J. Neurosci. 38, 4348–4356 (2018). CAS PubMed PubMed Central Google Scholar Borg-Graham, L. J., Monier, C. & Frégnac, Y. Visual input evokes transient and strong shunting inhibition in visual cortical neurons. ...
Of course, this assumes that the state of knowledge of the understander remains constant and no new learning has taken place. On the other hand, a problem resolved or understood, largely stays understood, given no deficit in the understander’s mechanisms. Often quoted in the literature is ...
2a). This would also allow a complete time course to be recorded in the cortex as the dye spread throughout the brain. We used AF488 (~570 Da) and first showed that the spread in a gel, with no clearance possible, could be accounted for by equation (2), the spread from a ...
One risk is that scientists do not pursue studies when their predictions run counter to those of an LLM. In some cases, this might be a sensible course of action, whereas in other cases the LLM might have identified potential gaps or errors in the scientific literature. In the latter situat...
Models are of course a means to link data to function. However, in the process, models, especially those that are structurally and physiologically realistic, also serve in effect to organize and validate experimental data as well as direct the acquisition of additional data. We also believe that...
Electrical and magnetic field gradients may have a spatial accuracy as small as sub-micrometers in the force-inducing nanostructures that control cellular activities, such as the deformation of membranes, the movement of organelles, or the migration of cells. Using magnetic nanoparticles, Gahl and Ku...