colleges and universities to show that while the number of graduates from neuroscience undergraduate and graduate degree programs has grown dramatically in this century, only a small percentage of those graduates are African American, and the numbers are growing very slowly. I also present data on ...
(Cam-CAN) is an interdisciplinary research project that aims to further our understanding of human ageing. The project uses data from a range of sources to better understand changes in cognitive and neural functioning across the lifespan, and to understand how we can best retain cognitive ...
York CUNY, The Graduate Center CUNY, Queens College Cleveland Clinic Foundation Coble Geophysical Cochlear Americas Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Colorado State University Columbia University Cornell University Cornell University Weill Medical College 63 Cortech Solutions Creighton University Crimson Tech CWE, ...
This semesterTerry Sejnowskiis teaching a graduate seminar course that is focused on Deep Learning. The course meets weekly for two hours to discuss papers. Here I’ll just outline the course and in later posts I’ll add some thoughts on each specific week. Week 1: Perceptrons Rosenblatt, F...