a 31-year-old woman complained of weakness in distal segments of the lower limbs associated with burning dysesthesias, numbness and pain in the soles of the feet and the legs below the knees; bilateral walking steppage, reduction in foot strength, absence of ankle jerk and knee tendon reflex...
More than 100 types of neuropathy pain have been identified, each with its own development, and impaired function. You can get nerve damage in any part of our body. It depends on what nerve is damaged. It can be your hands, feet, arms legs, head, face, stomach, bladder, etc. etc. ...
Not only do they carry sensation from the arms and legs to the spinal cord, but they also carry directions on how to move from brain and spinal cord to your muscles. Just like electric cords, the nerves have a wire in the center and insulation around the wire, both of which are ...
Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease,hereditary motor and sensory neuropathy- a form of neuropathy that can begin between childhood and young adulthood; characterized by weakness and atrophy of the muscles of the hands and lower legs; progression is slow and individuals affected can have a normal life span...
abnormal neurological sensations in the feet and legs WHAT IS PERIPHERAL NEUROPATHY Peripheral neuropathyalso known as peripheral nerve disease is one of the most common diseases no one has ever heard of. An estimated 15-20 million Americans suffer from some form of neuropathic disorder. ...
which mainly affects the feet and legs on both sides of the body. Often we find that the causes are categorized as neurological (nerve damage) or vascular based, a side effect of vein disease. The symptoms can be far-ranging as the sensations may come and go depending on the underlying ...
A 45-year-old woman developed weakness of both quadriceps, absence of bilateral knee jerks, and numbness over bilateral anteromedial thighs and medial lower legs after a vaginal hysterectomy. Electromyographic examination revealed evidence of denervation in the bilateral quadriceps. A nerve conduction ...
The doctor replied that he would get to my head. In the meanwhile he gave me a complete examination. He used a tuning fork, similar to what musicians use. I could feel it as he went down my legs. But when he got to each of my feet, I felt nothing. ...
its branches of distribution in patients with paralyzed drop foot, several weeks after their first stroke, assuming that its inversion position can cause neuropathy around the fibular neck.We performed peroneal nerve conduction study on 76 legs of 38 patients, 12-73 days after their first stroke....
Both legs’ sciatic nerves were immediately isolated, and the nerve was excised distal and proximal to the point of transection. Exactly beneath the point of transection of the sciatic nerve, a 1 cm diameter piece of tissue was removed. The samples were frozen and subsequently analyzed together...