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一位提倡使用 LSD[8] 的心理学家 Timothy Leary 曾经也是这本书的授权拥有者,他做出了另外一款游戏——一部 CYOA[9] 类型的“心灵电影”(Mind Movie),你可以在其中扮演名人雅士,将赛博空间分形看待。 不管游戏实质如何,《神经漫游者》的赛博朋克宣言都持续影响着这种反乌托邦式的未来世界观:肉体是廉价的,信息可...
1回应 1236x1600 1236x1600 2000x1400 3回应 800x593 9回应 1130x1760 1112x1760 1124x1760 1128x1760 1235x1754 1回应 1220x1754 1220x1754 1回应 1200x1754 1772x2539 1回应 : 有漫画吗?2023-07-03 20:13 Η² : 丹尼尔·加卢耶的《十三层空间》诞生于1964年,它更早的描述了类似世界,《异...
Nordling here. I love William Gibson's novel. I haven't read it in about ten years, though, and I'd be curious to know if global events and new technologies have changed its perspective. It may be one I pick up again and re-read to see...
收藏的影人 ···(26位) 黄日华 黄秋生 吴镇宇 张学友 梁家辉 Neuromancer的影评 ···(1篇) 无关剧情 讨论下男神颜值变化 Neuromancer评论:《The Scarlet and the Black》 啃的生肉所以剧情完全忽略只盯着Ewan的脸了,看了他几部古典绅士造型总是莫名不适(有些油腻),红与黑/红磨坊/艾玛完全不觉得是颜值巅峰,...
A book becoming a TV series or movie in 2022 喜鹊谋杀案 7.4 [英] 安东尼·霍洛维茨 / 2019 / 新星出版社 ★★☆ 废话…好多… A romance novel by a BIPOC author Last Night at the Telegraph Club 评价人数不足 Malinda Lo / 2021 / Dutton Books for Young Readers ...
Throughout the movie, the Matrix is presented to the audience as the as the only source of manipulation, “What is the Matrix? Control” (The Matrix). The perspective shown to the audience implies that the robots are the only manipulative force present within this society. Morpheus introduces...
How to run this game on modern Windows PC? People who downloaded Neuromancer have also downloaded: Murder,Neuromancer,Syndicate,War in Middle Earth,Mortville Manor,Police Quest 1: In Pursuit of the Death Angel,Secret of Monkey Island, The,Universe...
This is also not the first adaptation ofNeuromancer, which originally came out 1984 as Gibson’s debut novel. Its beenturned into a video game, a graphic novel, and isreportedly being made into a movieas well. (In 2022, Amazon adapted another Gibson novel —The Peripheral— intoa live-act...