Hopkins. She returned to school to earn her Masters of Science in Nursing from Simmons University where she was inducted into Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing. Additionally, Nina has earned a Bachelors of Science in Psychology from the University of Maryland, Baltimore County....
Xiaofeng JiaUniversity of Maryland School of MedicineUSA Myoung gwi RyouTarleton State UniversityUSA Day 1: In-Person-Speakers: George DiazMemorial HealthcareUSA Jit PoddarRush University Medical CenterUSA Manish Shukla & Guohong LiPenn State College of MedicineUSA ...
From the Department of Psychology (C.R.W., S.R.W.), University of Maryland, Baltimore County
Salonen RH, Lichtenstein P, Bellocco R, Petersson S, Cnattingius S:Increased risks of circulatory diseases in the late pregnancy and puerperium.Epidemiology2001,12:456–460. National study of Swedish birth cohort quantitating risks of each stroke subtype based on discharge diagnoses. The only stud...
Department of Neurology, University of Maryland School of Medicine, 110 South Paca St., Baltimore, 21201, Maryland, USA Peter B. Crino Corresponding author Correspondence to Peter B. Crino. Ethics declarations Competing interests The author declares no competing financial interests. PowerPoint slides Po...
Dr. Fernando Miranda is an internationally recognized neurologist that helps children and adults of all ages. After graduating from medical school in 1972, he completed his internship and residency in Neurology at the University of Maryland in Baltimore. His post graduate training was in Behavior and...
Cardiff University UK UK Wai Kwong TANG The Chinese University of Hong Kong Hong Kong Recommended GlobalNeuroscienceWebinars & Conferences Europe & UK Asia Pacific & Middle East Canada About Us About conference Sessions and Tracks Market Analysis ...
Pediatric Headache Edited by Jack Gladstein MD-University of Maryland Hospital, 22 South Greene St., Room N5W69, Baltimore, Maryland, 21201 A. David Rothner MD-Children's Hospital, Cleveland Clinic, Center for Pediatric Neurology, Neurological Insitute, 9500 Euclid Avenue/S60, Cleveland, OH ...
This postmortem study was not considered human subjects research and therefore was exempt from institutional review boards review at University of Maryland Baltimore. Study Design Postmortem tissue from brain, lung, and other organs was collected. Pertinent clinical information was reviewed. Data on race...
CONFLICT OF INTEREST: None Reported April 10, 2021 Cytokine Storm-associated Encephalopathy in Pediatric COVID-19 Lorenzo Muccioli, MD | Department of Biomedical and Neuromotor Sciences, University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy We read with interest the article by LaRovere et al,[1] reporting neurolo...