Epilepsy and Neurology Services to Improve Your Health Neurological conditions can affect anyone. At the Neurology Center for Epilepsy & Seizures, we understand the difference in lifestyles that must be accommodated. Our team of neurologists and epileptologists is committed to your ability to adapt ...
At Comprehensive Neurology Clinic, we offer comprehensive services to diagnose, manage, and treat a broad range of neurological conditions in adults and children. Call (407) 208-0708 to schedule an appointment.
The US Department of State, Bureau of Medical Services, subsequently convened an expert panel in July 2017, which came to consensus that the triage findings were most likely related to neurotrauma from a nonnatural source and recommended that further investigation into this novel cluster of ...
Neurological services We offer a wide variety of neurological services and treatments that help a wide range of patients. SERVICES> SEE REVIEWS Sometimes it's better to hear it from someone else. We always strive to provide you with great care each and every visit. REVIEWS > Request AN APPOIN...
When therapeutic target sites are near areas causing adverse effects, it is necessary to sculpt the electric field or steer the flow of current in a desired direction to achieve the optimal stimulation. At present, this goal is most commonly achieved by choosing either monopolar or bipolar stimula...
No consensus exists about CP subtypes; the general term CP is important for public health and health services planning, but subtypes might have different aetiologies. Gestational age and birthweight have been a major focus of CP investigators; to move forward, we must seek a deeper understanding...
Military psychiatry, a new subcategory of psychiatry, has become an invaluable, intangible effect of the war. In this review, we begin by examining related military research, summarizing the related epidemiological data, neuropathology, and the research
54. Pace A, Villani V, Parisi C, et al. Rehabilitation pathways in adult brain tumor patients in the first 12 months of disease. A retrospective analysis of services utilization in 719 patients.Support Care Cancer. 2016;24(11):4801-4806. ...
Fillenbaum GG Multidimensional Functional Assessment of Older Adults: The Duke Older Americans Resources and Services Procedures. Hillsdale, NJ Lawrence Erlbaum Associates1988; 14. Morris JC The Clinical Dementia Rating (CDR): current version and scoring rules. Neurology 1993;43 (11) 2412- 2414Pub...
32 5.2 RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS 5.2.1 Catchment population of KUH During the study period from 1995 to 2007, Neurosurgery of KUH had solely provided full-time acute and elective neurosurgical services for the KUH catchment population in eastern Finland. The KUH area contains four central ...