doi:10.1097/00132985-200503000-00012Avitzur, OrlyNeurology Today
To illustrate further, a survey conducted on neurology trainees and recent neurology residency graduates in the US, aimed to assess their level of education on functional seizures, and a subtype of FND, this study showed that although 82% of the trainees had some information on the topic, 77%...
The competencies of teaching should therefore also be part of a residency training for future diplomates, as the neurologist William A. Pulsinelli expressed: “Residents are encouraged to teach the teacher and thereby enrich everyone’s education” [17]. In the current study the six most ...
Neurology Residency Programs Adjust to an Uncertain World with COVID-19doi:10.1097/01.NT.0000662116.99305.2bDan HurleyNeurology Today
Design: A 22-question survey was electronically distributed to each neurology residency program in the United States. Setting/Subjects: All program directors (PDs) and assistant/associate program directors (APDs) of adult neurology programs. Results: This study had a 35% survey response rate (49 ...
Results A majority of neurology residency programs (110) had a social media presence, particularly on Twitter and Instagram. Most residency program Twitter and Instagram accounts were created after March 1st, 2020, and this was not the case on Facebook. Twitter and Instagram were used most to ...
When projecting expenses of planned changes for the following year, costs increased to US $360,000 per department, with 5-year costs exceeding US $1 million.The most recent restriction on resident duty hours comes at substantial cost to neurology departments and residency programs.Benjamin...
Nearly all residency applicants matched their first or second choice. The majority declined at least one interview and 39% failed to rank at least one site they visited. When choosing where to apply, the programs' reputation and geographic considerations were paramount. When making a rank list, ...
It was requested that the survey be disseminated to current trainees and alumni of the programs. The survey consisted of seven questions assessing basic demographics and a list of factors applicants consider when choosing a residency. Results There were 284 responses with a higher representation of ...
An abstract is unavailable.doi:10.1097/00132985-200502000-00025AvitzurOrlyNeurology Today