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Routine assessment of cognitive function in older patients with hypertension seen by primary care physicians: why and how-a decision-making support fromthe working group on’hypertension and the brain’of the European Society ofHypertension and fromthe European GeriatricMedicine Society. J Hypertens. ...
17,39 Additional limitations of DBS therapy that need to be considered prior to surgery include risk of hemorrhage or infection, risk of mechanical failure (now much less common as both physicians and manufacturers develop more familiarity with the device), frequent follow-up visits, and cost of...
Evaluating physicians’ understanding of the GCS assessment and clinical application (secondary outcome). Materials and methods This randomized trial was performed at the simulator center of a Swiss tertiary academic medical hospital. Participants included intensivists, emergency physicians, internists, and ...
or physicians (L.B., E.H.R. and J.C.M.) interviewed a knowledgeable informant after the subject's death, but before the results of autopsy were known, and derived a CDR and sum of boxes pertinent to the subject's level of cognitive performance just before the terminal events leading ...
Interestingly, the general public, as well as caregivers of PALS and physicians with little experience with ALS and palliative care, may not be sufficiently aware of the relatively high rating of their own QoL by PALS: several studies have shown that these groups may underestimate QoL perceived ...
Dr. Mignot is an elected member of the Association of American Physicians, the Institute of Medicine, and of the National Academy of Sciences (USA). He is the co-author of more than 200 original scientific publications, and he serves on the...
As DBS systems become compatible with wireless networks, remote programming by physicians will become possible but privacy issues will also need to be addressed to prevent misuse, including ‘brainjacking’. Access options Access Nature and 54 other Nature Portfolio journals ...
The potential negative impacts of the loss of personal time could contribute to burnout among physicians. Ways to mitigate these effects, whether through innovative design to minimize time demands, rewards for completion that “reimburse” time, or curricular designs that build time in the workday ...
Moyamoya disease, although a rare disorder in the Pakistani population, is probably underdiagnosed. Diagnosis requires expensive radiological studies and trained neurophysicians that are not available in most parts of the country. Additionally, the lack of neurosurgeons and their expertise in highly sophi...