13.To learn more about what that means , check the Neuroimaging Primer, and the MR help pages. 可以通过神经系统成像学入门及磁共振帮助了解更多磁共振成像的知识. 14.Meningioma has a variale neuroimaging and some special characteristics are connected with histopathological subtypes and prognosis. ...
103]. Greater activation has been found in the ACC and frontal brain regions in maltreated youth than in HC during the presentation of negative stimuli [104]. Furthermore, there is an interesting pattern
It has been proposed that transient coalitions of brain regions form to meet the computational needs of the current task8,9,10. These dynamic functional networks are thought to be heavily overlapping, such that any given brain region can express flexible relationships with many networks, depending ...
Valera-Bermejo also found that the postcentral and precentral gyri volumes were correlated with episodic and semantic memory [86]. Accumulating research [87,88,89] has illustrated a change in FC in the superior parietal lobule and other brain regions in AD. Numerous studies have demonstrated that...
(SPECT).Additionally,inthelastfewyears psychiatricneuroimaginghasbenefittedfromitsinter- actionwithgenetics(“imaginggenetics”).Insuch studies,neuroimagingfindingsintwoormoregenetic variantsofthepopulationarecomparedinorderto discoverimagingendophenotypesthatmaybeamenable tomeasurement,and,therefore,usefulas...
in either domain; approaches guided by a priori knowledge might prove useful as the field advances [130]. Each multivariate approach has particular advantages and limitations. Data-driven multivariate techniques, such as ICA, in particular, can lead to sample-specific solutions that are difficult to...
While male participants tend to present with greater SVD burden compared with female participants,47 we previously found that this sex difference was rendered nonsignificant once accounting for modifiable dementia risk factors (including TBI),28 implying that sex differences in SVD could be at...
Several recent published reports have found that DTI is sensitive to alterations in white matter ultrastructure not revealed by conventional MRI. More specifically, DTI reveals alterations in the ultrastructure of white matter axons caused by traumatic shear and stretch, which have been shown to ...
The Honolulu-Asia Aging Study has found that Hawaiian Japanese American men have lower neuropathological density relative to Non-Hispanic white individuals39,40. Notably, for race- and ethnicity-based comparisons, these differences remain significant after accounting for other demographic variables and ...
Although several neuroimaging markers have been found that differentiate patients with MDD from healthy controls (e.g., Mulders et al.7; Kempton et al.8), progress has still been limited in part by underpowered studies and a lack of reproducible findings (e.g., Kapur et al.9). Many ...