NEUROBIOLOGY OF AGING是一本备受关注的期刊,为神经科学领域的研究人员和临床医生提供了一个重要的学术交流平台。目前,该期刊处于中科院三区,IF4.2,国人占比4.3%,但它发文量是比较多的,审稿周期也不算特别长,可以进行尝试投稿。 SCI晚发1天,创新就有被抢的风险! 已有完稿文章 可以直接扫码协助,免费匹配录用方案 提...
Neurobiology Of Aging ISSN:0197-4580 ESSN:1558-1497 国际标准简称:NEUROBIOL AGING 出版地区:ENGLAND 出版周期:Bimonthly 研究方向:医学 - 老年医学 出版年份:1980 语言:English 是否OA:未开放 学科领域 医学 中科院分区 3区 JCR分区 Q2 IF影响因子 3.7...
aHumans and companion animals suffer from many overlapping diseases. Those include cognitive aging, obesity, cancer, and hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. Age is one of many factors in the development of these diseases. A One Health perspective advocates that individuals from veterinary and human medicine wo...
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As a neurosurgeon, my father needed to have grace under pressure. He understood how delicate the sensors of his own vagus nerve were and would ask anyone in the operating room to leave if he or she was emitting an uptight vibe. I’ve learned to do the same in life—especially before an...
Age may be more related to reactions to stress and the absence of disease rather than to a person's chronological age, say leading researchers in the fields of neurobiology and psychoneuroendocrinology. And healthy aging is a good bet if stress can be mo
[201]. Sex differences in the effects of aging on cortical volumes [202] and inter- and intra-hemispheric connectivity (as described below) have also been reported [203,204]. Many of these sex differences emerge during adolescence, and some studies suggest a critical regulatory role of ...
It is generally recognized that astrocyte senescence can have a significant impact on the progression of neurodegenerative diseases. Aging biomarkers such as p16 have been found to be elevated in aged cortices, and p16 is overexpressed in the frontal cortex of Alzheimer’s disease patients [22]. ...
The epsilon4 allele of apolipoprotein E is now a well-known risk factor for Alzheimer's disease, however there is still much to be learned of the physiology of apoE in the brain, throughout normal aging and AD. To better understand the neurobiology of apoE, the work included in this ...
Given the importance of MeCP2 for postnatal neuronal function, it is conceivable that hypomorphic mutations might compromise neuronal plasticity such that overt phenotypes will become apparent only upon aging. It will take coordinated and large-scale efforts to establish if variations in MECP2 ...