physiological, and behavioral traits, to the exclusion of their wild ancestors. This so-calleddomestication syndromemay be caused by selection for reduced aggression in mammals, which may result in changes in the expression of genes that direct...
Gorski, and Arnold [74,75,76] established that exposure of the brain to reproductive steroids during critical periods of development influenced the development of behavioral capacities (e.g., aggression, sex behaviors) and further “programmed” the brain so...
Rushton JPFulker DWNeale MCNias DKEysenck HJ Altruism and aggression: the heritability of individual differences. J Pers Soc Psychol 1986;50 (6) 1192- 1198PubMedGoogle ScholarCrossref 61. Bachner-Melman RGritsenko INemanov LZohar AHDina CEbstein RP Dopaminergic polymorphisms associated with self...
although the molecular basis of such association remains still elusive. The present meta-analysis aims to assess the impact of insulin action manipulations (i.e., hyperinsulinemia, hypoinsulinemia, systemic or brain insulin resistance) on glutamatergic, dopaminergic, γ-aminobutyric acid...
[76] also reported that chronic social defeat to repeated aggression caused increased BDNF in the brain. Importantly, BDNF knockdown in the nucleus accumbens (NAc) blocked the transcriptional effects of aggressive acts. Krishnan et al. [77] also showed that only mice sensitive to stress showed ...