The process of transitioning to comfort-focused care in the neuro-ICU requires unique consideration because of the prevalence of coma. Although peripheral nervous system diseases also present challenges to assessment and comfort (Fig.1), they are either secondary to critical illness itself or more re...
Some of these abnormalities are discovered incidentally, for example the tonic pupil (Holmes-Adie syndrome). Documentation of changes is important, not necessarily for the assessment of patient dissatisfaction, but to prevent misinterpretation of the problem in the future. Regarding the patient in ...
Participant-level results TSV contains: dataset id, subject id, age, sex, diagnosis, assessment, session id, session file path, number of sessions, and imaging modalityThe output files can be joined using DatasetID as key.You can refer to the neurobagel documentation to see what the outputs...
Finally, the development of fully biomimetic neuroprostheses, able to restore natural and effective sensations, requires a quantitative assessment of the naturalness of this synthetic somatosensory feedback. This assessment represents a further challenge in the development of this type of neuroprosthesis si...
(Gruzelier, 2014a). A secondary focus of Part II stems from the perspective that assessment of artistic performance provides a window on creativity that has seldom entered the scientific arena and is one which provides ecological validity for the measurement of creativity, the lack of which is ...
Reasons for this variability are multiple, such as participants’ motivation, attention, mood, anxiety levels, sleep quality the night before the assessment, and testing environment2. Such variability can lead to inaccurate diagnosis and inappropriate treatment, for example, by giving the false ...
The initial assessment in any CnEMG examination is an evaluation for insertional activity. The presence of insertional activity confirms that the electrode has been placed within the muscle. Absence of insertional activity with an appropriately placed needle electrode usually means a complete atrophy o...
Plans for assessment and collection of outcomes Each participant will be assessed carefully within the first 96 h after stroke onset in the acute-care hospitals, using an extensive battery of standardized and validated clinical tests and scores. Additionally, laboratory, neuroimaging and electrophysio...
(Gruzelier, 2014a). A secondary focus of Part II stems from the perspective that assessment of artistic performance provides a window on creativity that has seldom entered the scientific arena and is one which provides ecological validity for the measurement of creativity, the lack of which is ...
For example, an annual assessment for biochemical cure is undertaken initially in all patients with functioning tumours. Baseline reassessment is also indicated annually in all patients, and other measures may be used to help gauge the adequacy of pituitary replacement therapy periodically (e.g. ...