TheFaceMesh Lossworks like theFaceID Loss, but it uses only the last layer output fromFaceMesh Model (George Grigorev)that represents theFacial 3D Meshes. Use only for fine adjustments on relevant expression attributes like mouth opening.
模型是以style transfer等image domain的想法出发,改进以适应3D points,很好的完成了pose迁移的任务。对于unseen、细节更丰富的target mesh仍有出色的效果,同时对于乱序点的输入、pose noise有较强的鲁棒性。 [1] Xun Huang and Serge Belongie. Arbitrary style transfer in real-time with adaptive instance ...
[arXiv] A Real-time Method for Inserting Virtual Objects into Neural Radiance Fields [arXiv] Ctrl-Room: Controllable Text-to-3D Room Meshes Generation with Layout Constraints [arXiv] MagicDrive: Street View Generation with Diverse 3D Geometry Control | [Project Page] [arXiv] SweetDreamer: Align...
本文是为了解决pose transfer,完成将source mesh的pose迁移到target mesh上的任务。受[1]、[2]等style transfer、image synthesis等image生成任务上的启发,本文将对image pixel的处理方法改进后应用于3D坐标上面,很好的完成了pose transfer这一conditional 3D 生成任务。 与之前Graphics较多方法不同的是,本文不需要额外...
The training data are urban environment depth maps for this coarse stage, they are rendered from the top view of 3D urban meshes from a photogrammetry dataset of English towns. After training on this data, Alis draws from the normal distribution to generate arbitrary size depth maps; in the ...
Cellular structures found in nature exhibit remarkable properties such as high strength, high energy absorption, excellent thermal/acoustic insulation, and fluid transfusion. Many of these structures are Voronoi-like; therefore researchers have proposed Voronoi multi-scale designs for a wide variety of en...
Baselines. We compare to the following baselines: • Multi-View Stereo (MVS): frame-by-frame rendering of the reconstructed and textured 3D meshes using commer- cial software RealityCapture†. • Local Light Field Fusion (LLFF) [37]: frame-by-frame rendering of the LLFF-produced mult...
The visualized meshes are directly output by the method. Abstract We present a near real-time (10Hz) method for 6-DoF tracking of an unknown object from a monocular RGBD video sequence, while simultaneously performing neural 3D reconstruction of the object. Our...
Learning to Generate Textures on Meshes. Amit Raj,Cusuh Ham, Connelly Barnes, Vladimir Kim, Jingwan Lu, James Hays. CVPRDeep Generative Models for 3D Understanding 2019(Best Paper). [PDF] Unsupervised Texture Transfer from Images to Model Collections. ...
Welcome toawesome-nerf-editing🧙🏻♂️, your ultimate resource for exploring the exciting world of Neural Radiance Field (NeRF) editing! NeRF is revolutionizing computer vision and 3D graphics, and this curated collection of resources is your gateway to understanding and mastering NeRF-based...