Zeng Q, Chen W S, Pan B. BP Neural Network-Based Deep Non-negative Matrix Factorization for Image Clustering[C]//International Conference on Intelligent Computing. Springer, Cham, 2020: 378-387. 摘要翻译: 深度非负矩阵分解(DNMF)是一种很有发展的非负性多层特征提取方法。大多数DNMF算法都是重复...
Neural network-based spectrum estimation for online WPE dereverberation
CAmouflage REsistant Graph Neural Network (CARE-GNN) 对于特征伪装:提出一种基于标签感知的相似性度量的方法,通过对比节点特征来寻找最相似的邻居。 对于关系伪装:设计了一个相似度感知的邻居选择器来选择一个中心节点的某个关系下的相似邻居。另外,在训练过程中,使用强化学习(RL)自适应地找到最佳邻居选择阈值。 利...
OWEP improves the models' performance and significantly reduces the training time on the order of 60 percent. The RNN outperforms the FNN but costs about a factor of 2 longer in training time. Furthermore, the neural network-based models provide more accurate forecasts than traditional stochastic...
其中一类目标是在不访问源代码的情况下检测相似的二进制函数...在structural-aware模块,使用MPNN算法3得到graph semantic & structural embedding。...在order-aware模块,模型将控制流图的邻接矩阵作为输入,并使用CNN计算graph order embedding。...Neural network-based graph embedding for cro...
Neural network-based variational Monte Carlo (NN-VMC) has emerged as a promising cutting-edge technique of ab initio quantum chemistry. However, the high computational cost of existing approaches hinders their applications in realistic chemistry problems
论文地址:基于神经网络的实时语音增强的加权语音失真损失 论文代码:https://github.com/GuillaumeVW/NSNet 引用:Xia Y, Braun S, Reddy C K A, et al. Weighted speech distortion losses for neu
Neural network-based image reconstruction in swept-source optical coherence tomography using undersampled spectral data Yijie Zhang, Tairan Liu, Manmohan Singh, Ege Çetintaş, Yilin Luo, Yair Rivenson, Kirill V. Larin & Aydogan Ozcan Light: Science & Applications volume 10, Article...
Joint Optimization of Deep Neural Network-Based Dereverberation and Beamforming for Sound Event Detection in Multi-Channel Environments In this paper, we propose joint optimization of deep neural network (DNN)-supported dereverberation and beamforming for the convolutional recurrent neural ... K Noh,JH...
最近在eprint上看到一篇关于神经网络安全推理的非常不错的综述性文章Towards Practical Secure Neural Network Inference: The Journey So Far and the Road Ahead, 概述了迄今为止面向安全推理提出的主要方法、不同方法之间的特性以及所使用的技术. 最后还总结了大规模部署时所面临的挑战. 这里只摘录了其中的一些要点和...