5.3 Training a neural network 隐藏层的单元数一般一样,隐藏层一般越多越好,但计算量会较大。 Training a Neural Network Randomly initialize the weights Implement forward propagation to gethΘ(x(i))for anyx(i) Implement the cost function Implement backpropagation to compute partial derivatives Use gradi...
我们在前几章中已经知道,Logistic hypothesis的Cost Function例如以下定义: 当中。前半部分表示hypothesis与真实值之间的距离。后半部分为对參数进行regularization的bias项,神经网络的cost function同理: hypothesis与真实值之间的距离为 每一个样本-每一个类输出 的加和,对參数进行regularization的bias项处理全部參数的平方...
损失函数 (Loss Function):_自变量_为权重参数w_jk^{[l]}、偏置参数b_j^{[l]},_因变量_为损失值的函数,常量为输出层的输入样本值a_i^{[l]}、输出值y 代价函数 (Cost Function): 可以理解为多样本情况下对所有样本损失函数值求和后的平均,因此_自变量_ 比损失函数多一个 样本数量 m 损失函数或代价函...
NeuralNetwork: def __init__(self, layers, activation = 'tanh'): """ :参数layers: 神经网络的结构(输入层-隐含层-输出层包含的结点数列表) :参数activation: 激活函数类型 """ if activation == 'tanh': # 也可以用其它的激活函数 self...
If network has units in layer , units in layer , then will be of dimension represents the input of layer ;( ) the output of layer ;( ) weight controlling function mapping from the unit in layer to the unit in layer we use the sigmoid function in this nueral networks,we can get the...
A method, a computer-readable medium, and a system for tuning a cost function to control an operational plant are provided. A plurality of cost function parameters is selected. Predicted future states generated by the neural network model are selectively incorporated into the cost function, and ...
NeuralNetwork nn {2,2};vector<float> expected {1.0f,0.5f}; nn.setCostFunction(c); EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ((64.0f+32.0f), nn.calcCost(expected)); EXPECT_EQ(2, called); } <float1.0f1.0fvectorfloat(expected)); } (NeuralNetwork &nn,void(NeuralNetwork::*algorithm)(conststd::vector<float> &...
完成后,ex4.m将使用已加载的Theta1和Theta2参数集调用nnCostFunction,我们应该看到代价约为0.287629。 Feedforward Using Neural Network ... Cost at parameters (loaded from ex4weights): 0.287629 (this value should be about 0.287629) 1.
Forward propagation computes the loss function value by weighted summing the previous layer neuron values and applying activation functions. Backward propagation calculates the gradient of a loss function with respect to all the weights in the network. The weights are initialized with a set of random...