“Neural Mix Pro is absolutely a game changer” DJ Jazzy Jeff is a legendary DJ and producer. From the success of "DJ Jazzy Jeff and the Fresh Prince" with partner Will Smith, to his DMC Championship and multiple GRAMMY and American Music Awards wins, his achievements are countless and his...
Welcome to Neural Mix™ Pro, the AI-powered music player & editor for producers, DJs, and musicians. You can create beat-precise loops, change tempo, and transpose the key of a song, all while removing vocals, percussive, or harmonic parts in real-time. The advanced offline export ...
Welcome toNeural Mix Pro, the AI-powered music player & editor for producers, DJs, and musicians. Created by Algoriddim, winner of multiple Apple Design Awards, Neural Mix™ Pro provides an intuitive interface to isolate beats, instruments, and vocals of any song. You can create beat-precise...
Neural Mix Pro,这是一款面向制作人、DJ 和音乐家的 AI 音乐播放器和编辑器。由 Algoriddim 创建,获奖者多个 Apple 设计奖,Neural Mix™ Pro 提供了一个直观的界面来隔离任何歌曲的节拍、乐器和人声。 您可以创建节拍精确的循环、改变速度和移调歌曲的调,同时实时去除人声、打击乐或和声部分。先进的离线导出允许...
Neural Mix Pro 2.0.2 Welcome to Neural Mix™ Pro, the AI-powered music player & editor for producers, DJs, and musicians. Created by Algoriddim, winner of multiple Apple Design Awards, Neural Mix™ Pro provides an intuitive interface to isolate beats, instruments, and vocals of any song...
Neural Mix Pro for mac是一款非常强大的音频后期编辑软件,可以帮助您提取任何歌曲的节拍,乐器和人声部分,Neural Mix Pro破解版通过人工智能的即时音乐分离技术与Neural Mix™技术使您可以隔离,分层和交换轨道中的主元素– 例如,将人声从一个轨道分层到另一个轨道,交换和声或隔离鼓。
Neural Mix Pro 2在导出立体声轨道或分离音轨的Loop的时候,会创建保持节奏速度不变的Loop,该功能在分离歌曲部分进行混音时非常有用。目前,该导出功能仅限于导出Loop,Algoriddim正在努力开发Fluid Beatgrid导出完整音轨的功能。 Neural Mix Pro 2目前仅支持MacOS系统。
Neural Mix Pro 2 主要面向 DJ。但如果你考虑到该软件还能做很多其他事情,比如改变音轨和主干的节奏和调性,那么制作人的混音应用就变得非常明显了。Algoriddim 还建议音乐家可以用它来创建卡拉 OK 伴奏音轨,以便练习。Neural Mix Pro 2目前仅适用于MacOS系统。Algoriddim Neural Mix Pro 2 现已上市,售价 49 ...
DJ软件公司Algoriddim推出了一款音轨分离软件:Neural Mix Pro 2,这款工具结合了Neural Mix算法和用于实时计算音频节奏速度的Fluid Beatgrid功能。 Algoriddim的旗舰软件Djay Pro更新到了第五版,并将其中部分创新技术移植到了Neural Mix Pro 2音轨分离软件中。Neural Mix Pro 2本质上是从Djay Pro分离出来的音轨分离算法...
Neural Mix Pro mac版是macOS上的一款音频源分离编辑工具。大家对于Algoriddim这家公司并不陌生吧,可以说是DJ 打碟软件开发的扛把子,而该软件便是出自这家公司之手,功能上软件就为用户么能提供了提取任何歌曲的节拍,乐器和人声部分音频服务。并且Neural Mix Pro采用的是 AI 人工智能算法驱动作为技术支持,专业的公司...