(领域) 论文提交日期 AnE-CTranslationReportofNeuralMachine Translation(Excerpts) -GuidedbyNewmark’sTranslationTheory ThesisSubmittedtoNanjingUniversityofPostsand TelecommunicationsfortheDegreeof MasterofTranslationandInterpreting By WangMengting Supervisors:Prof.QiYan Mr.BaoYazhi May2022 南京邮电大学学位论文原创性...
Thang Luong's Thesis on Neural Machine Translation This repository contains the latest version of my thesis. Motivated by my advisor (Chris Manning)'s suggestion on extreme openness, I started sharing my thesis writing since day 1. While it is not yet clear how useful it is (smile), you ...
Neural Machine Translation by Jointly Learning to Align and Translate Dzmitry Bahdanau Jacobs University Bremen, Germany KyungHyun Cho Yoshua Bengio 蒙特利尔大学 Abstract神经网络机器翻译是最近提出的机器翻译方法。 与传统的统计机器翻译不同,神经网络机器翻译的目标是建立一个单一的神经网络,它可以联合调优以最大...
Neural machine translation (NMT) is a type of machine translation that uses artificial neural networks to translate text from one language to another. It is a relatively new approach to machine translation that has gained popularity in recent years due to its ability to produce high-quality trans...
The basis of the material covered in this post was from my thesis at Loyola Marymount University. If you want to take a look at the PPT presentation I used to share these ideas (which includes the majority of the images in this article) you can find thathere. You can also read the T...
Furthermore, this thesis introduces adaptNMT and adaptMLLM, two open-source applications streamlined for the development, fine-tuning, and deployment of neural machine translation models. These tools considerably simplify the setup and evaluation process, making MT more accessible to both developers and...
受最近机器翻译中seq2seq技术的启发,本文将Neural Language Model和带有上下文的encoder结合起来,其中encoder与Bahdanau(Neural machine translation by jointly learning to align and translate)的attention-based encoder一样。encoder和decoder在句子摘要任务中共同训练。另外,decoder中也使用了beam search进行摘要生成。本文...
The systems were used for our participation in the WMT 18 biomedical translation task and in the shared task on machine translation of news.The main focus of our recent system development efforts has been on achieving improvements in the biomedical domain over last year's strong biomedical ...
Domain Adaptation for Multilingual Neural Machine Translation Neural machine translation (NMT) is currently considered the stateof-the-art for language pairs with vast amounts of parallel data. In this thesis project, we utilize such systems to provide translations between four languages in the psy....
The aim of this thesis is to create a Cyrillic Mongolian corpus and build a Chinese-Cyrillic Mongolian statistical machine translation system. At first, ... 苏刀 - 内蒙古师范大学 被引量: 0发表: 0年 A hierarchical and interlamination graph self-attention mechanism-based knowledge graph reasoning...