Neural Mesh Refiner for 6-DoF Pose Estimation This paper bridges the gap between 2D mask generation and 3D location prediction via a differentiable neural mesh renderer. We utilise the overlay between the accurate mask prediction and less accurate mesh prediction to iteratively optimise... D Wu,Y...
2D 到 3D 风格转换是通过优化网格的形状和纹理来执行的,以最大限度地减少图像上定义的风格损失。 3D DeepDream 也以类似的方式执行。这两个应用程序都是通过Nueral Render将 2D图像空间中的信息流入 3D 空间来实现的。 参考资料: Neural 3D Mesh Renderer...
Neural 3D Mesh Renderer (CVPR 2018) This repo contains a PyTorch implementation of the paperNeural 3D Mesh Rendererby Hiroharu Kato, Yoshitaka Ushiku, and Tatsuya Harada. It is a port of theoriginal Chainer implementationreleased by the authors. Currently the API is the same as in the original...
Neural 3D Mesh Renderer (CVPR 2018) This repo contains a PyTorch implementation of the paper Neural 3D Mesh Renderer by Hiroharu Kato, Yoshitaka Ushiku, and Tatsuya Harada. It is a port of the original Chainer implementation released by the authors. Currently the API is the same as in the ...
NeRF 能够渲染大量细节的原因之一是它使用周期性激活函数(即傅里叶特征)对光线上的 3D 点和相关视图方向进行编码。 这项创新后来被推广到具有周期性激活的多层网络,又名SIREN(正弦表示网络)。 两者均随后在 NeurIPS 2020 上发布。 虽然NeRF 论文表面上于 8 月底在 ECCV 2020 上发表,但它于 3 月中旬首次出现在...
In this paper, we present a framework for discovering DNN failures that harnesses 3D renderers and 3D models. That is, we estimate the parameters of a 3D renderer that cause a target DNN to misbehave in response to the rendered image. Using our framework and a self-assembled dataset of 3D...
The input image is subjected to stroke reconstruction using the Paint Transformer [15]to get the original stroke parameters, followed by entering into respective curved stroke renderers to obtain hierarchical curved stroke images. These are then overlapped to produce the canvas image. The image ...
We follow GeoSim (Chen et al., 2021b) to reconstruct coarse mesh from multi-view images and the sparse LiDAR points. After that, a differentiable neuralrenderer(Liu et al., 2019) is used to render the corresponding depth map with the camera parameter ...
for Computed Tomography NAISR: A 3D Neural Additive Model for Interpretable Shape Representation ...