参数信息 品牌 Neumann/诺音曼 型号 U87 有无线 有 麦克风类型 专业录音麦克风 声道 1 使用方式 支撑式 适用对象 录音专用,直播专用 供电方式 外接供电 颜色分类 U87 AI STUDIO SET(带防震架)),u87Ai studio set (黑色,带防震架),U87 红限量版 (带防震架+手提箱) (送礼首选) ...
Studio microphone incl. microphone spider and wooden case TheNeumann U87 AI Studioset, Nickelincludes the legendary U87 Large Diaphragm Condenser Microphone and a matching Neumann EA4 Shockmount. The Neumann U87, known for its warm, rich sound and precision engineering, is perhaps the world's most...
TLM 103 Studio Set (镍色,带原装防震架),TLM 103 Studio Set (黑色,带原装防震架),TLM 103 (镍色,不带防震架),TLM 103 (黑色,不带防震架),U87ai镍色(带原装防震架+木盒),U87ai 黑色(带原装防震架+木盒),kms105镍色(超心形指向),kms105 黑色(超心形指向),kms104黑色(心形指向),kms104镍色(心形...
The ultimate studio standard all over the world. For 50 years! U 87 Ai TLM 103 A modern studio standard TLM 103 TLM 49 Set The sound of our 1950s tube classics recreated with trouble free FET circuitry TLM 49 Set TLM 107 Our new state of the art microphone: extremely versatile and sur...
The SOS award went to products, that "have made our lives in the studio all the more enjoyable". It is a further evidence for the reputation of the U 87 Ai as the world famous, professional standard studio condenser microphone. Until today the U 87 sets the mark in the microphone indust...
* NEUMANN U87Ai - Studio Flagship Condenser mic * SOLD OUT * * NEUMANN WS-87 -Foam Windscreen for U87, TLM67 * SOLD OUT * * NEUMANN EA-87 -Spyder Shock Mount for U87Ai mic * SOLD OUT * * NEUMANN KH 120 -Powered Studio Monitor ($599) * SOLD OUT * USED PRO AUDIO GEAR (w/Fre...
Neumann u87 Ai發表留言 發表迴響… 若要留言,請登入或提供你的名稱與電子郵件地址。 有新文章時透過電子郵件通知我 即時 每天 每週 將新留言以電子郵件寄給我 請在此瀏覽器中保存我的姓名、電子郵件和網站,便於我下次發表迴響。 迴響 這個網站採用 Akismet 服務減少垃圾留言。進一步了解 Akismet 如何處理網站訪客...
Neumann诺音曼纽曼 U87AI TLM103 大震膜电容话筒48V直播K歌 9975 ¥ 9975 Neumann 诺音曼KMS105 TLM102 TLM103 U87麦克风YY主播大振膜话筒 4400 ¥ 4400 Neumann/诺音曼 TLM 102 Studio Set大震膜电容话筒声韵行货顺丰 6536.9 ¥ 7770 Neumann 诺音曼 KU100 模拟人耳 全景声立体声 录音话筒 国行...