Neue Aachen Pro06-17 英文字体 预览 简繁转换 下载预览文字为svg矢量图 包含文件 NeueAachenPro-Bold.ttf 文件大小 189k 版本 Version 1.00 高速下载 一键登录 本字体由网络搜集或用户上传,仅限学习交流使用,版权归原作者所有,未经版权方许可不得用于商业用途. 如果您是字体版权方并不希望本站检索/展示您的...
Impressed by the quality of the Aachen typeface that was originally designed for Letraset in 1969 and extended to include Aachen Medium in 1977, Jim Wasco of...
Neue Aachen Pro08-31 英文字体 预览 简繁转换 下载预览文字为svg矢量图 包含文件 NeueAachenPro-Bold.otf 文件大小 72k 版本 Version 1.00 高速下载 一键登录 本字体由网络搜集或用户上传,仅限学习交流使用,版权归原作者所有,未经版权方许可不得用于商业用途. 如果您是字体版权方并不希望本站检索/展示您的...
Impressed by the quality of the Aachen typeface that was originally designed for Letraset in 1969 and extended to include Aachen Medium in 1977, Jim Wasco of...
Neue Aachen Pro Regular Fonts Free Downloads - OnlineWebFonts.COM Jim Wasco Neue Aachen Pro Regular Aachen Medium and Bold, designed by Colin Brignall and Alan Meeks in 1969 are mainly intended as a title fonts. Jim Wasco from the Monotype Design Studio expanded the existing two typefaces...
NeueAachenPro-BoldItalic 字体族名 Neue Aachen Pro PostScript名称 NeueAachenPro-BoldItalic在PS、AI、CDR等设计软件中,经常显示该名称 71032 字体风格 Bold Italic 字体格式 otf 支持语言 英文 字体版本 Version 1.00 字符集 Unicode UCS-2 字符数 444 ...
站长字体提供Neue Aachen Pro Bold Italic在线生成图片,Neue Aachen Pro Bold Italic在线转换和预览,站长字体为用户提供海量中文和英文等各种字体在线转换和免费下载。
Neue Aachen Pro Medium Bold字体主要参数 字体家族:Neue Aachen Pro Medium 字体风格: Bold 字体版本:Version 1.00 书体类型: 未分类 字符数:437 字形数:444 字重: 粗 字宽: 中等(正常) 文字: 拉丁文 希腊文 符号 区块: 基本拉丁文 拉丁文-1补充 ...
Font Full Name: NeueAachenPro-BoldItalic Font Family: Neue Aachen Pro Font Style: Bold Italic Font Version: Version 1.00 Source: Official Display allDownload privilege Upgrade to Membership To download this file you need SVIP Membership and Pay 100 Zicoins; You have not Sign in, Please...
The family is suitable for pro users due to its extended character set and OpenType features. Bebas Neue Bold Font | Download for Free - Download and install the Bebas Neue Bold font for free from ✔️ This font has been downloaded 900,000+ times. Bebas Neue...