I thought Powerwalls had cellular and would use that for reporting when you don’t have internet. But it looks like it didn’t “record” anything while I was offline. Anyone know how that works when you lose internet? Was cell service also down? Jeremy3292 Active Member Jul 7, 2021 ...
The days of free Internet access are back… sort of. United Online, Inc. announced Monday that it will offer free wireless Internet access through its NetZero service, provided as a “loss leader” that depends on users upgrading to paid access to cover the service’s costs. NetZero became...
Another long running project, I used it to turn a RaspberryPi Zero W with PiCam into a WiFi connected camera that rode on my friend's model RailRoad. It has continued to evolve, adding object detecion with OpenCV HOG, Haar, and DNN modules. https://motion-project.github.io/index.html...