The Game Developers Conference® (GDC) is the world’s largest professional game industry event with market-defining content for programmers, artists, producers, game designers, audio professionals, business decision-makers, and others involved in the development of interactive games and immersive exper...
Monday, November 6th from 10AM to 4PM, we’ll have nearly every major publishing industry service provider and vendor in the house, in a massive meet and greet for our author attendees. Last year, we have 53 vendors from around the world, nine different audiobook producers, including the t...
2 Producer Consumer Producers can communicate data via CIP I/O as UDP unicast traffic to a consumer. EtherNet/IP UDP 2222 3 Consumer Producer Consumer (for example, controller or HMI) responds with output data or a heartbeat via CIP I/O (UDP unicast) ...
Just as Twitter has been utilized to organize events such as protests, Chinese Internet users have also utilized weibo to encourage political ENTER THE WORLD OF BUSINESS activism. On the other hand, weibo has incorporated more social networking elements than has Twitter. For instance, weibo enables...
The Game Developers Conference® (GDC) is the world’s largest professional game industry event with market-defining content for programmers, artists, producers, game designers, audio professionals, business decision-makers, and others involved in the development of interactive games and immersive exper...