Networks are the most important infrastructure needed to enable campus services. A smart campus requires an "everything-aware" converged network so that people, things, and services in the campus are no longer isolated. Instead, they unite as a whole, interacting with and affecting each other. ...
5.24 billion people currently use social media worldwide, up more than double from 2.07 billion in 2015 The average social media user engages with an average of 6.83 various social media platforms 63.9% of the global population in the world uses social media, among audiences aged 18+ that’s...
Starting today, you don’t have to be a network engineer to figure out what your Internet is good for. Let’s tell you how we’re doing it.
Further, the assumptions people make when training algorithms cause neural networks to amplify cultural biases.Biased data sets are an ongoing challengein training systems that find answers on their own through pattern recognition in data. If the data feeding the algorithm isn't neutral -- and almo...
(or group) Satoshi Nakamoto, was a watershed moment for the freedom of money. For the first time in history, people could securely exchange value, without requiring a third party or trusted intermediary. Paying in Bitcoin meant that people like Steve and Cindy could pay each other directly, ...
This qualitative study examines how patients with facial and truncal acne or acne scars relate to their condition personification exercise.
Screego - Screego is a simple tool to quickly share your screen to one or multiple people via web browser. (Demo, Source Code) GPL-3.0 Docker/Go Shhh - Keep secrets out of emails or chat logs, share them using secure links with passphrase and expiration dates. MIT Python SimpleX Chat ...
Gene regulatory networks (GRN) have been studied by computational scientists and biologists over 20 years to gain a fine map of gene functions. With large-scale genomic and epigenetic data generated under diverse cells, tissues, and diseases, the integra
at’s noted that the utilization of minor workers in the factory was not compliant with the local law, e.g. minor workers were not registered and approved by the local labor department, health examination was not provided to minor workers. 注意到的t,较小工作者的运用在工厂不是服从的以地方法...
Conclusions and Relevance These findings suggest that adoption of SYG laws across the US was associated with increases in violent deaths, deaths that could potentially have been avoided. Introduction Every year, more than 19 000 people in the United States die from homicide, and most of these ...