Chapter7Networksecurity Chapter 7: Network security;Friends and enemies: Alice, Bob, Trudy;What is network security?;Internet security threats;Internet security threats;Internet security threats;The language of cryptography;Symmetric key cryptography;Perfect cipher;Symmetric key crypto: DES;Symmetric key ...
4、all unencrypted data (e.g. passwords) e.g.: C sniffs Bs packets,A,B,C,Internet security threats,IP Spoofing(IP欺骗): can generate “raw” IP packets directly from application, putting any value into IP source address field receiver cant tell if source is spoofed e.g.: C pretends ...
SecurityMechanism Aprocess/devicethatisdesignedtodetect,preventorrecoverfromasecurityattack. SecurityService Aserviceintendedtocountersecurityattacks,typicallybyimplementingoneormoremechanisms. Threats&Attacks …butthreatandattackusednearlyinterchangeably SecurityThreats/Attacks ...
Information security management Information security management (ISM) describes controls that an organization needs to implement to ensure that it is sensibly managing these risks. The risks to these assets can be calculated by analysis of the following issues: Threats to your assets: These are unwant...
NetworkThreats CS450/650 Fundamentalsof IntegratedComputerSecurity SlidesaremodifiedfromIanGoldberg WhatMakesaNetworkVulnerable? •Anonymity –Attackerissafebehindanelectronicshield •Manypointsofattackbothtargetsandorigins –Datamaypassthroughmanyhoststogettouser ...
Network Security 网络安全 Chapter9 1 NetworkSecurity网络安全 Chapter9 2 TCP/IPProtocols •ContainsFiveLayers •Topthreelayerscontainsmanyprotocols •Actualtransmissionatthephysicallayer Chapter9 3 TCP/IPLayers ApplicationPresentationSMTPFTPDNSHTTPTELNET Session Applications Transport TCP UDP Network ICMP IP...
3 Overview of Network Security Confidentiality The concealment of information or resources Integrity Data cannot be modified without being detected Authenticity A node can ensure the identity of the peer node it is communicating with. Availability The ability to use the information...
Internetsecuritythreats Packetsniffing(网络抓包侦探):broadcastmediapromiscuousNICreadsallpacketspassingbycanreadallunencrypteddata(e.g.passwords)e.g.:CsniffsB’spackets A C src:Bdest:Apayload B Internetsecuritythreats IPSpoofing(IP欺骗):cangenerate“raw”IPpacketsdirectlyfromapplication,puttinganyvalueintoIP...
Architecture Information gathering Securing from Rootkit, Spoofing, DoS Securing from Malware Securing user and password Securing Remote Access Securing Wireless-LAN Securing network using Encryption EEPIS-ITS secure network * Introduction * Define security Confidentiality Integrity Availability * Threats… Exte...
NTW 2000Current Threats and Current Threats and Attack MethodsAttack Methods62000, Cisco Systems, Inc. 7© 2000, Cisco Systems, Inc. NTW 2000Attack TrendsAttack Trends• Exploiting passwords and poor configurations• Software bugs• Trojan horses • Sniffers• IP address spoofing• Toolkits...