The Network Readiness Index (NRI) is one of the indicators that shows the level of digital development of countries. The NRI for 2021 shows the development of 130 countries, in contrast to the 45 countries covered by the International Digital Economy and Society Index (I-DESI) of the ...
concurrently, a majorindexreflecting TD-LTEnetworkusercapacity. 并发用户容量 并发用户容量是指在保证一定业务速率下,系统可以同时服务的 最大用户数,是体现TD-LTE网络用户容量的主要指标。 It was encouraged by Chile’sreadinesstoguarantee access ...
NAMESPACE NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE IP NODE NOMINATED NODE READINESS GATES kube-system coredns-5b5b868cc8-gc6pm 1/1 Running 0 6d21h dcos-k8s-node-02<none><none>kube-system coredns-5b5b868cc8-pqmzd 1/1 Running 0 6d21h dcos-k8s-node-01<none><none>kube-sys...
{ "name": "000_start/", "executionTime": 2 } ] }, "ActionQueueStatus": "FAILED", "GroupType": "HA/standby ready", "PatchHistory": "7.5.0-10", "SuccessfulReadinessTimestamp": "Tue, 07 Mar 2023 06:06:04 UTC", "VarPartitionConsumptio...
The innovative 2-track design of CPC+ intended to engage practices with varying levels of readiness and provided an opportunity to study how associations varied across 2 intervention “packages” differing in the level of supports and requirements of practice advancement and care delivery cha...
388 uninfected; index date on or after December 1, 2021); postacute pre-Omicron (n = 3732 infected, n = 290 uninfected; index date before December 1, 2021); and postacute Omicron (n = 2666 infected, n = 438 uninfected; index date on or after December 1, 2021)...
It is well-established that the process of learning and capability building is core to economic development and structural transformation. Since knowledge is ‘sticky’, a key component of this process is learning-by-doing, which can be achieved via a va
➜ ~ kubectl get pods -o wide NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE IP NODE NOMINATED NODE READINESS GATES authors-dbb57d856-mbgqk 3/3 Running 0 7d23h <none> <none> details-7d8b5f6bcf-hcl4t 1/1 Running 0 61d <none> <none> kubevpn-...
This triad has been associated with an individual’s readiness to perform in relation to the prior night’s sleep duration40,41 and could affect learning and interpersonal interactions. Relatedly, physician empathy has a positive influence on patient perceptions about the professionalism ...
The company Polskie Sieci Elektroenergetyczne (PSE) has introduced DSR services for industrial consumers, who benefit from their readiness to temporarily reduce power consumption at PSE’s request. Such a situation took place in Poland in the summer of 2015, a day before the threat of a blackout...