Hands-On Network Programming with C 售价:¥62.12 4人正在读 |0人评论 6.2 作者:Lewis Van Winkle 出 版 社:Packt Publishing 出版时间:2019-05-13 字数:54.4万 所属分类:进口书>外文原版书>电脑/网络 温馨提示:数字商品不支持退换货,不提供源文件,不支持导出打印...
SharePoint Development with the SharePoint Framework ThisbooktargetscurrentSharePointdevelopers,aswellaspeoplestartingtheirjourneyonSharePointdevelopment.Thereadermusthavebasicwebdevelopmentprogrammingknowledge,includingJavaScr Jussi Roine Olli J??skel?inen程序设计6.2万字 会员 C语言程序设计 C语言是目前最为流行的通...
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C++ Network Programming with Patterns, Frameworks, and ACE
《Network Programming with Go》阅读重点备忘(一) 最近读了一本老外写的电子书《Network Programming with Go》,感觉写得还可以,在这里将书中一些重点记录一下以备忘。 架构 跟其它书不同,这本书的第一章主要讲了分布式系统与传统单机系统在架构层面的区别。其中有4节我觉得还挺重要的,设计分布式系统时可以多...
These tutorials are code re-compilation from the 'outdated' Network Programming for Microsoft Windows book using the Winsock 2 library. Before you use these tutorials, please read thedisclaimer. These tutorials concentrate more on the coding side the working program examples, so all the codes have...
Sockets are a low-level programming interface for networked communications. They send streams of data between applications that may or may not be on the same host. Sockets originated in BSD Unix and are, in other languages, hairy and complicated things with lots of small parts that can break ...
Network programming is the core characteristic of SDN. SDN provides a new network abstraction model with a complete set of universal APIs for users, who can then program on the controller to configure, control, and manage networks. So which technologies can be used to implement network programming...
bjam –with-system –with-thread –with-date_time –with-regex –with-serialization stage这个库有大量的例子,你可以连同本书中的例子一块看看。重要的宏如果设置了BOOST_ASIO_DISABLE_THREADS;不管你是否在编译Boost的过程中使用了线程支持,Boost.Asio中的线程支持都会失效。
1) VC++ network programming VC++网络编程 1. VC++ network programming so as to reach remote monitor. 结合VC++网络编程,从而达到远程监控的目的。 2) ascorbic acid VC 1. This article studied the processing parameters of ethyl cellulose microencapsulation ofascorbic acidwith thermal phase separating meth...