Call barring is enabled for the network segment [%XH] Impact on the System The call cannot be placed properly. Possible Causes The network connection is faulty. Processing Steps Verify that the maximum call bandwidth supported by the network segment meets the call or conference requirements. You ...
When the call-barring device is activated, the DTMF signals emitted by the terminal are intended to be suppressed, but the incoming ringing and call signals are intended to be allowed through unimpaired. The call-barring device is intended to be disposed in a separate housing to that of the ...
KeyCallBarringVisibilityBool KeyCallComposerPictureServerUrlString KeyCallForwardingBlocksWhileRoamingStringArray KeyCallRedirectionServiceComponentNameString KeyCapabilitiesExemptFromSingleDcCheckIntArray KeyCarrierAllowDeflectImsCallBool KeyCarrierAllowTurnoffImsBool KeyCarrierAppRequiredDuringSimSetupBool KeyCarri...
The call-barring device is intended to be disposed in a separate housing to that of the associated terminal and to be able to be linked into the connection line. For this purpose, a loop current detection device is used which, when the terminal is busy, responds to a minimum loop current...
Galaxy eSIM (embedded SIM) is a digital SIM that allows you to use the mobile data without a physical SIM card (Mini SIM, Micro SIM, Nano SIM, etc.). Please note:eSIM service may vary depending on the country and carrier. How to add an eSIM to your Samsung Galaxy ...
SimCardChanged SliceRejected SynchronizationFailure TestLoopbackRegularDeactivation TetheredCallActive TftSemanticError TftSytaxError ThermalEmergency ThermalMitigation TratSwapFailed UeInitiatedDetachOrDisconnect UeIsEnteringPowersaveMode UeRatChange UeSecurityCapabilitiesMismatch UmtsHandoverToIwlan UmtsReactivationReq ...
BarringInfoEventArgs TelephonyCallback.CallDisconnectCauseEventArgs TelephonyCallback.CallForwardingIndicatorEventArgs If translating or adapting: 電話回呼.通話狀態參數 電話回呼.運營網路事件參數 TelephonyCallback.CellInfoEventArgs TelephonyCallback.CellLocationEventArgs TelephonyCallback.DataActivationStateEventArgs ...
BarringInfoEventArgs TelephonyCallback.CallDisconnectCauseEventArgs TelephonyCallback.CallForwardingIndicatorEventArgs If translating or adapting: 電話回呼.通話狀態參數 電話回呼.運營網路事件參數 TelephonyCallback.CellInfoEventArgs TelephonyCallback.CellLocationEventArgs TelephonyCallback.DataActivationStateEventArgs...
The present invention comprises a method of controlling duration of barring call connections within a telecommunication network in which a call connection is to be established trough the network (Network) between a calling party (Sub B or C) and a called party (Sub B or C), comprising the ...
Microsoft reserves the RILCALLBARRINGSTATUSPARAMSSTATUS enumeration for internal use only. Don't use the RILCALLBARRINGSTATUSPARAMSSTATUS enumeration in your code. RILCALLBARRINGSTATUSPARAMSSTATUS Don't use this enumeration in your code. Microsoft reserves the RILCALLBARRINGSTATUSPARAMSSTATUS enumeration ...