From its name, “Linux Dash” is a web dashboard that shows you the most important information about your Linux systems such as RAM, CPU, file system,running processes, users, andbandwidth usage in real-time, it has a nice GUI and it’s free & open-source. Linux Dash Tool For install...
Following this, we can install SmokePing since it’s available through our OS distribution’s package manager: $ sudo apt-get install smokeping -y Next, we access the web interface through “http://hosts_ip_address/cgi-bin/smokeping.cgi”: Subsequently, we edit the /etc/smokeping/config ...
It's common for users of desktop Linux or servers with a graphical interface to use Network Manager GUI clients to configure the network. For cases where you work with headless servers or if you want to automate configuration via shell scripts, thenmclitool comes in handy. Network Manager and...
It’s crucial to note that Graphviz isn’t a command-line editor itself, but rather a command-line tool to generate diagrams from text. 2.1. Install graphviz First, we install graphviz using the APT package manager: $ sudo apt-get install graphviz Once the installation is complete, we’ll...
mkdir buildcdbuild cmake ../ -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr [-DDISABLE_MODEMMANAGER_SUPPORT=true] make#As root:make install BUGS: Submit bugs and feature requests to KDE bugzilla, product plasma-nm: ...
Monica - Personal relationship manager, and a new kind of CRM to organize interactions with your friends and family. (Source Code) AGPL-3.0 PHP/Docker mosparo - The modern spam protection tool. It replaces other captcha methods with a simple and easy to use spam protection solution. (Source...
Nagios XI offers multiple options for receiving proactive alerts, including email, SMS, Slack, or Microsoft Teams. Users and team members can personalize the interface with a customizable GUI, adjusting the layout, design, and settings to fit their preferences. It is available for Windows, Linux,...
Thus, after installing the Autodesk Network License Manager, network communication through these ports must be open to have a functional network license manager.1. Open Windows Firewall (Control Panel\System and Security\Windows Firewall) – Advanced...
Zabbix is an enterprise-class, open-source monitoring solution that makes network and application monitoring simple.
Cisco is a worldwide technology leader. Our purpose is to power an inclusive future for all through software, networking, security, computing, and more solutions.