Computer Network --- Transport Layer 运输层: 运输层协议与网络层协议: 运输层协议: 端口: Socket: UDP概述: UDP数据报格式: TCP数据报格式: 最大报文段长度MSS: 序号与确认号: 滑动窗口: 拥塞窗口 & 接收端窗口: 发送窗口的上限: 拥塞窗口变化示意图: 加法增加: 乘法减小: 快重传: 快恢复: 往返时延...
Computer Network --- Transport Layer 运输层: 运输层协议与网络层协议: 运输层协议: 端口: Socket: UDP概述: UDP数据报格式: TCP数据报格式: 最大报文段长度MSS: 序号与确认号: 滑动窗口: 拥塞窗口 & 接收端窗口: 发送窗口的上限: 拥塞窗口变化示意图: 加法增加: 乘法减小: 快重传: 快恢复: 往返时延的...
Network Layer41Chapter 4Network LayerComputer Networking: A Top Down Approach Featuring the Internet, 3rd edition. Jim K
Computer Network - Data Link Layer Computer Network - Physical Layer Computer Network - Network Layer Computer Network - Session Layer Computer Network - Transport Layer Computer Network - Application Layer Computer Network - Presentation Layer Computer Network - Coaxial Cable Computer Network - Optical ...
4: Network Layer 4: Network Layer 4: Network Layer 4: Network Layer Dijsktra’s Algorithm 1 Initialization: 2 N = {A} // Source node is “A” 3 for all nodes v 4 if v adjacent to A 5 then D(v) = c(A,v) 6 else D(v) = infinity 7 8 Loop 9 find w not in N such tha...
The network layer is the third layer in the OSI model. It provides a space for therouterfunctionality necessary for acomputer networking system. Routers operate at the third layer as it handles the routing of data. Layer 3, the network layer, is positioned between thetransport layerand the da...
The network layer is layer 3 in the OSI model, and it is responsible for connections between different networks. Learning Center Network layer How Internet works Networking basics Network types Protocols Glossary theNET Learning Objectives After reading this article you will be able to: Define 'netw...
802OverviewBasics of physical and logical networking concepts 802.1BridgingLAN/MAN bridging and management of the lower sublayers of OSI Layer 2 802.2Logical LinkCommonly referred to as the logical link control (LLC) specification 802.3EthernetProvides asynchronous networking by using carrier sense, multip...
A collision can only occur at the physical layer in theOSI model. When multiple devices share a common media at the physical layer, which happens when you have multiple devices connected with a hub, there is a possibility that you will have a collision. The network area where a collision ...
802OverviewBasics of physical and logical networking concepts 802.1BridgingLAN/MAN bridging and management of the lower sublayers of OSI Layer 2 802.2Logical LinkCommonly referred to as the logical link control (LLC) specification 802.3EthernetProvides asynchronous networking by using carrier sense, multip...