To access resources on any other computer in the workgroup, a user must have a local account created on that machine, or alternatively, each individual shared resource can be protected by a password. Either of these methods gets very cumbersome when there are more than a handful of users and...
Leoutsakos JMS, Forrester SN, Lyketsos C, Smith GS. Latent Classes of Neuropsychiatric Symptoms in NACC Controls and Conversion to Mild Cognitive Impairment or Dementia. J Alzheimers Dis. 2015;48(2):483–93. Article PubMed PubMed Central Google Scholar ...
Lipids represented 58% (270 of 465) of the metabolites measured in this study. Yet we found that 80% of the TD metabolic network in 5-year-old males (4395 of 5510 edges withq < 0.05) was formed from nodes created by lipids (p < 0.0001; Supplementary Data11). In comparison,...
The PPI network was created by introducing overlapping targets [28]. CytoScope (ver.3.8.2) was used to construct a core PPI network. GO enrichment analysis and KEGG pathway analysis To elucidate the biological functions and signaling pathways associated with DVT, we conducted GO and KEGG ...
I created these websites ONLY to provide free information to help other people I am NOT a business of any kind, and make NO money providing this information There is NOTHING for sale here - Feel free to link to any of my web pages ...
CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATEDSTATUSPORTS NAMES 9107b7603bf2 ./ 12 days agoExited (143) About an hour ago127.0.0.1:8081->8080/tcp jms_guacamole 769148c0cec1 ./entrypo...
NET0interface, which is associated with the host Ethernet port 0 IP address for every compute node and storage server head Note: The device node representing the management network interface for Oracle Linux is referred to aseth0. The corresponding logical device created by Oracle Solaris is refer...
(OVA) image of a virtual device to apply VM configuration and deploy instances. The OCECAS AO adapter uploads a separate OVA file into OCAO for each NF group. The file contains application-specific configuration information for OCECAS, such as Java Message Service (JMS), data source, and so...
"In the same manor as XMPP silently has created people to people communication interoperable. We are aiming to make communication machine to people and machine to machine interoperable." Mihini/M3DA "The Mihini agent is a software component that acts as a mediator between an M2M server and th...
NAME:SIZE:CREATED ON: AICore.java3 KBJul. 18, 2005 AICore.owl4 KBJul. 13, 2005 AIXListener.java2 KBJun. 9, 2005 DiskCleaner.java1 KBJul. 11, 2005 DoubleHashtable.java2 KBJul. 20, 2005 JMSTest.java3 KBJul. 14, 2005 MessageCenter.java4 KBJul. 21, 2005 ...