06---Computer-NetworkPPT课件 ComputerNetwork YanciZhang 1 ComputerNetworks ❖Connectstwoormorecomputer❖Computerscanbegeographicallylocatedanywhere 2 - Purposes ❖Facilitatingcommunications❖Sharinghardware❖Sharingfiles,dataandinformation❖Sharingsoftware 3 - Components ❖Hardware ▪Hosts(PCs,laptops,...
计算机英语unit3 Computer Network Lesson4 Network Security Unit3ComputerNetwork Lesson4NetworkSecurity 网络安全 GoalGainknowledgeofnetworksecurity.LookandLearn 01writethecorrectwordbeloweachpicture.Dialogue 02麦克正向玛丽咨询怎样安装防火墙。NewWordsandPhrases1 spam[spæm]n.垃圾邮件firewall[ˈfaɪəwɔ...
computernetworkhardwareresources,suchasdiskspace, printer,plotter,includingsoftwareanddataresources,such astheprogram. Thedevelopmentprocessof1.2computernetwork Althoughwegiveabovecomputernetworkunderastrict definition,butisintheinitialstageofthedevelopmentof
计算机网络课件 chapter5-2 Network Layer.ppt,Computer Networks - 5 - 2 COMPUTER NETWORKS Chapter 05 The Network Layer Part 2 5.5 Internetworking Problem: Great! We have all these networks, with all different protocol stacks, and now we just to let them ta
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Internet is a worldwide, publicly accessible series of interconnected computer networks that transmit data by packet switching using the standard Internet Protocol. “A network of networks” Services include electronic mail, online chat, file transfer, and the interlinked web pages and other resources ...
Server vs. Client Server features relative to clients More memory, processing, storage capacity Equipped with special hardware Provides network management functions Client/Server vs. Peer-to-Peer Advantages relative to peer-to-peer networks User credential assigned from one place Multiple shared resource...
Assisting in the planning phase of network installation or restructuring for technical staff. Serving as a visual aid in sales pitches for network hardware or services to potential clients. Outline Business Icons for infographics (PPT vector symbols)...
Inpeer-to-peersystemtherearenofixedclientsand servers. ComponentsofComputerNetworks �Hardware:howyoucanconfigureabunchofcomputers intoanetwork: �LocalAreaNetworks(LAN) �MetropolitanAreaNetworks(MAN) �WideAreaNetworks(WAN) �Internetworks