Find out the ip address and subnet mask: prefix, reverse mask (wildcard), network ip address, broadcast address, the number of host addresses in the network, the ip address of the first host and the ip address of the last host.
Displays the broadcast address of the network. This is a special address that points to host all active hosts on the network. TYPEShows two implicit characteristics of IP ADDRESS, Public IP or Private IP. Private IP's are those that belong to the following range of IP addresses ...
network calculator LanCalculator is a tool to calculate subnet addresses and masks, including broadcast address, net address, net prefix and net mask inversion which is used in the access control lists (ACL) of Cisco network equipment. The program can display the data in binary, hex, and decima...
IP Subnet Calculator A tool takes an IP address and netmask and calculates the resulting broadcast, network, wildcard mask, and host range Calculate Best Path This tool will show you latency and the best routing path between our points of presence ...
Packet Sender has a built-in subnet calculator. It is under the Tools menu. The log window (bottom section) will display non-loopback IPv4 and IPv6 addresses found on your computer. On the left side, input the IPv4 address in the IP field. ...
The same goes for the last address in a block. If we go back to the previous example, the last address in that block is This address is called the broadcast address because a packet sent to it is transferred to all interfaces in the subnetwork. For this reason, broa...
Subnet Calculator-This tool of NetCrunch Tools set divides the given IP address into various sub-networks by calculating subnet mask, host size, and broadcast address. SCANNERS Ping Scanners-This tool enables you to scan a range of IP addresses periodically and check which all IP addresses are ... Network address. Reserved by Azure for the default gateway., Reserved by Azure to map the Azure DNS IP addresses to the virtual network space. Network broadcast address.
+ IP Calculator: Calculate the Netmask, Wildcard, Network, Host range, and Broadcast for a given subnet. + iperf: Check bandwidth against remote iperf services. + One Time Password: Securely store and view your TOTP and HOTP (two-factor authentication) codes. TOTP codes are available on the...
+ IP Calculator: Calculate the Netmask, Wildcard, Network, Host range, and Broadcast for a given subnet. + iperf: Check bandwidth against remote iperf services. + One Time Password: Securely store and view your TOTP and HOTP (two-factor authentication) codes. TOTP codes are available on the...