netstat -r 复制代码 这将显示当前系统的路由表。输出包括目标地址、网关、接口等信息。如果你想查看更详细的信息,可以使用 -n 和-e 选项: netstat -nrte 复制代码 这将显示不带域名解析的 IP 地址和路由表,同时显示以太网统计信息。 0 赞 0 踩最新问答debian livecd如何定制系统 debian livecd能用于修复系...
fromrem0te Author User level: Level 1 4 points Mac OS HighSierra 10.13.6 Netstate -N help Active Internet connections Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address Foreign Address (state) tcp4 0 0 ESTABLISHED tcp4 0 0
netstate -l -t -n 显示服务器 监听的 端口, tcp协议, 显示数字ip和端口,不是用域名或者协议名显示, 可以用来检查mysql的监听端口的状态 3306端口
-n 不覆盖已经存在的文件 linux指定安装目录: --prefix=/目录名 netstat -tulnptcp udp listener port :列出监听的端口号 netstat -aon|grep 3306 查看指定的端口好 tcp 0 0* LISTEN off (0.00/0/0) scp /home/space/music/1.mp3
Latitude: 38° 27' N to 41° 58' N Ohio base and elevation maps Length x Width Ohio is 220 miles long and 220 miles wide at its most distant points. Geographic CenterExplanation The geographic center of Ohio is located in Delaware County, 25 miles NNE of the city of Columbus. ...
Latitude: 41° 35.7'N Borders Connecticut is bordered on the north by Massachusetts and on the south by Long Island Sound. On the east Connecticut is bordered by Massachusetts and Rhode Island. On the west, Connecticut borders New York. Total Area Connecticut is one of the smallest states of...
+ "�������:" + technology + "\n"; } } }; private class BatteryReceiver extends BroadcastReceiver{ @Override public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) { int current=intent.getExtras().getInt("level");//��õ�ǰ���� int total=intent.getE...
||STATE LINKS ||GUESTBOOK ||CONTACT US Tweet Click herefor a few definitions. Longitude / LatitudeLongitude: 97° 28' 33"W to 104° 3'W Latitude: 42° 29' 30"N to 45° 56'N South Dakota base and elevation maps Length x WidthSouth Dakota is about 383 miles long (east to west) ...
Latitude: 34° 48.9'N Borders Arkansas is bordered by Missouri on the north and Louisiana on the south. Missouri, Tennessee, and Mississippi border Arkansas on the east. The Mississippi River marks Arkansas' eastern border with these three states. On the west, Arkansas is bordered by Texas ...
Latitude: 41° 10' N to 42° 53' N Massachusetts base and elevation maps Length x Width Massachusetts is 190 miles long and 50 miles wide at its most distant points. Geographic CenterExplanation The geographic center of Massachusetts is located in Worcester County, in Rutland. Longitude: 72°...