1. The port on which a program is running. # netstat -ap | grep ssh : To get the port on which a program is running. 1. 2. Which process is using a particular port: # netstat -an | grep ':80' : To get the process which is using the given port. 1. 2....
-c或--continuous:持续列出网络状态,可以配合-w(刷新时间间隔)使用 -b(在Windows中):显示正在创...
netstat-pnt|grep:3306|wc # 查看某一端口的连接数量,比如3306端口 netstat-anp|grep3306# 查看某一端口的连接客户端IP比如3306端口 lsof-i:port # 所指定端口运行的程序,同时还有当前连接。 netstat-anp # 显示系统端口使用情况
netstat -tunlp | grep 3306/端口号或lsof -i:port查看端口占用情况及对应进程 kill -9 进程号pid,杀掉进程 netstat -tunlp | grep 6379输出结果中,LISTEN 表示被占用,2151/redis-server 分别是:进程PID/进程名(或者通过命令查找进程PID,lsof -i:6379)。通过进程PID关闭进程。 三、Linux命令补充 3.1 Linux查看...
Find a Process That Is Using a Particular Port Use thegrep commandto filter the data fromnetstat. To find a process that uses a particular port number, enter: netstat -an | grep ':[port number]' For example: netstat -an | grep ':80' ...
查看linux中某个端口(port)是否被占用(netstat,lsof) netstat -tunlp 会显示所有端口和所有对应的程序,用grep管道可以过滤出想要的关键字段. 列一下22端口占用的程序 [root@leiwan tmp]# netstat -tunlp |grep 22 tcp 0 0* LISTEN 2230/rpc.statd...
netstat -a | grep -i "listen" This combination ofnetstatandgrepreveals open ports, which are ports that are listening for a message. The pipe character|sends the output of one command to another command. Here, the output ofnetstatpipes togrep, letting you search it for the keyword "listen...
–Use the netstat command to display the kernel routing table information without resolving the hostname or port names as shown here: $ netstat -anr If you encounter below error while running the netstat command: netstat: command not found ...
netstat -aop | grep "pid" To continuously display open TCP and UDP connections numerically and also which program is using them on Linux: sudo netstat -nutpacw On Microsoft Windows: To display active TCP connections and the process IDs every5seconds, type the following command (works on NT ...
[root@johnnyzen ~]# netstat -antp | grep 9876 Proto(协议) | Recv-Q | Send-Q | Local Address(本机[入站]端口) | Foreign Address(远端[入站]端口) | State(状态) | PID/Program name(进程ID/程序名称) tcp 0 0* LISTEN 50264/java [root@johnnyzen ~]# netstat ...