When the-@flag is used with thenetstat -rcommand and noWparNameparameter is specified, all of the routes in the system’s route table are displayed. If theWparNameparameter is specified and the WPAR-specific routing is enabled for that WPAR, only the routes associated with that WPAR are di...
command-line arguments in RemoteApp Comments in .rdp files Communication Port Redirection Conditional application of GPOs based on the client the user connects from Configure Keyboard Layout on Server 2016 Configure Local Printer TS port Re-direction for External Users Printer (TS port mapping error af...
When the-@flag is used with thenetstat -rcommand and noWparNameparameter is specified, all of the routes in the system’s route table are displayed. If theWparNameparameter is specified and the WPAR-specific routing is enabled for that WPAR, only the routes associated with that WPAR are di...
WMI: TCP port 135 and a larger random port (default: 13475; recommended: 1024-65535) SMB: TCP port 445 NOTICE: The collector can collect only the associations between the processes that are identified by running the netstat command and have long-term network connections. Table 1 Parameters ...
network.port if a socket address specifies a network but no specific host. The numeric host address or network number associated with the socket is used to look up the corresponding symbolic hostname or network name in the hosts or networks database. If the network or hostname for an addre...
done - (function(error)) node-style callback, executed after the netstat command completed execution or encountered an error`. platform - (string) overrides the platform value returned from os.platform(). limit - (number) limits the results read and parsed from the netstat process. Nothingness...
network.port if a socket address specifies a network but no specific host. The numeric host address or network number associated with the socket is used to look up the corresponding symbolic hostname or network name in the hosts or networks database. If the network or hostname for an addre...
The above script produces a report of processes that have a socket in this state but doesn't tell you what the port numbers are. If crash is available (or can be loaded) the following command can be used, subsituting PORTNUMBER for the port number you are interested in. ...
port numbers to names, which speeds up execution. Thenetstat -soption shows all protocol statistics. Thenetstat-p<protocol> option can be used to show statistics for a specific protocol or together with the-soption to show connections only for the protocol specified. The-eswitch displays ...
port numbers to names, which speeds up execution. Thenetstat -soption shows all protocol statistics. Thenetstat-p<protocol> option can be used to show statistics for a specific protocol or together with the-soption to show connections only for the protocol specified. The-eswitch displays ...