在基于Debian或Ubuntu等基于APT(Advanced Package Tool)的Linux发行版上,netstat 命令通常不是直接通过APT安装的,因为netstat是net-tools软件包的一部分。以下是详细的步骤来安装netstat(即安装net-tools包): 打开终端或命令行界面 首先,你需要打开你的终端或命令行界面。 输入apt命令以安装net-tools 在终端中,你可...
rpm -Uvh /PATH/TO/NEW_PACKAGE_FILE: 如果装有老版本的,则升级;否则,则安装; rpm -Fvh /PATH/TO/NEW_PACKAGE_FILE:如果装有老版本的,则升级;否则,退出; --oldpackage: 降级 4、卸载 rpm -e PACKAGE_NAME:卸载时候,这个软件包不能被其他软件包依赖,不允许被卸载; --nodeps:强行卸载 5、校验 rpm -...
Add the Docker repository to APT sources: 将Docker存储库添加到APT源: • sudo add-apt-repository "deb [arch=amd64] https://download.docker.com/linux/debian $(lsb_release -cs) stable" 1. Next, update the package database with the Docker packages from the newly added repo: 接下来,使用...
In most Linux distributions, netstat is a part of the net-tools package, which may not be installed by default. Let’s update and install netstat using apt-get: $ sudo apt-get update $ sudo apt-get install net-tools Next, let’s learn how to use the netstat command by going through...
apt-file search /usr/bin/netstat # Now download the source of that package apt-get source net-tools CentOS/红帽: 代码语言:javascript 复制 yumdownloader --source net-tools 收藏分享票数14 EN Unix & Linux用户 发布于 2011-09-27 09:18:28 netstat是net-tools套件的一部分。项目主页在这里:https:...
/bin/netstat- from package:net-tools You may install the required package with commandapt-get install {package} Error in other languages: netstat: bevel nie gevind nie netstat: comandă negăsită netstat: comando não encontrado netstat: commande introuvable ...
netstatis the part of another tool called net-tools. net-tools is available in almost all Linux distributions repositories. So use your distro’s package manager to install net-tools. Install net-tools on Ubuntu or derivatives sudo apt install net-tools ...
sudo apt-get install net-tools 有用3 回复 uniqueforme: 在不知道net-tools这个包时,怎么知道netstat是属于这个package的? 回复2017-12-27 settings: @uniqueforme 我还真不知道net-toos这个包,网上给的解释多是更新软件源,我换了阿里和163d都不行,没想到是包 不对 回复2017-12-27 ...
The database does get created, so it's not clear if the failed netstat did anything wrong or not. What I'm thinking is that netstat (net-tools) requirement should be added to dokku apt package dependencies.Member josegonzalez commented Jun 10, 2018 Ah, probably part of their initiative ...