在Windows上,要显示每个TCP连接关联的进程ID和程序名称,你需要使用-o和-b参数(请注意,-b参数可能需要管理员权限)。 netstat -anob C:Users>netstat -anob Active Connections Proto Local Address Foreign Address State PID Process Name TCP LISTENING 4 svchost.exe TCP
我编写了一个脚本来获取单个端口上的端口信息。脚本将'netstat-anob‘排入一个变量中,然后使用Where-Object扫描对象的确切端口号,并返回所需的信息。$netstatport = $netstat| Where-Object { $_ -match $port } 如果我正在搜索的端口是,例如,555,那么信息就会被找到。
DESCRIPTION Arp manipulates the kernel’s ARP cache in various ways. The primary options are clearing an address mapping entry and manually setting up one. For debugging purposes, the arp program also allows a complete dump of the ARP cache. OPTIONS -v, --verbose Tell the user what is going...
sockets (w/o servers) Proto Type State I-Node Path unix DGRAM 28443 /var/run/chrony/chronyd.sock unix DGRAM 304 /run/systemd/notify unix STREAM CONNECTED 13695366 /run/dbus/system_bus_socket unix STREAM CONNECTED 50540 /run/user/1000/bus unix STREAM CONNECTED 48302 @/tmp/dbus-YGMQX5OB ...
An TLS 1.2 connection request was received from a remote client application, but none of the cipher suites supported by the server an unknown error occurred while validating the server dns Analysis of Event ID 12290 in the Key Management Service log anti virus free software for windows server 20...
A stopped server is one that has been overtly stopped via an SSLADMIN STOP command. As such, theTCP/IPserver will not attempt to employ this server to accommodate a new secure connection request that cannot be handled by the currently active server(s). A server in this state is not logge...
This data is not displayed for an initial NETSTAT ARP command. To display current adapter-maintained ARP data, issue at least two NETSTAT ARP commands, in sequence. ARp ALL Displays the ARP cache entry for all IPv4 addresses and also the arp age value. An asterisk (*) can be used for ...
C:\Windows\System32\netstat -anobWhat you’re looking for in the output is a single process that is using up a large number of ports locally. So for example, on my machine above we can see that PID 608 is using several ports. Usually what will happen when you run into ...
You can also get the process ID (that’s the o switch in the netstat command), and you can even have netstat try to grab the name of the process (use netstat –anob). C:\Windows\System32\netstat -anob What you’re looking for in the output is a single process tha...